Versailles - 78000

Relieving your pain: advice from your osteo

marie messager osteopath versailles advice

Advice from your osteo:

To prevent and relieve your pain

Your osteopath presents examples of pathologies and possible treatments. In some articles, you will find videos with exercises.

If you would like us to publish a particular topic, please contact us.

Scoliosis and osteopathy

Why consult an osteopath after breast surgery?

Fibromyalgia and osteopathy

Achilles tendinopathy and osteopathy

Neck pain: get your eyes checked!

Freinotomy: Between science and fashion, choose a professional balance

Osteopathy: A natural method for improving sleep disorders

Wearing a bra and chest pain

Consult an osteopath for headaches

Sinding Larsen disease and osteopathy

Functional colopathy and osteopathy

Bruxism and osteopathy

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or suggest a topic for an article


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