Versailles - 78000

Athina de Vogel, osteopath



Graduate of CEESO Paris, school approved by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

Mémoire : Place des thérapies manuelles chez les patientes atteintes d'endométriose - Revue de la portée

athina de vogel osteopath versailles building sites


Training courses :

  • Kinesiology strips
  • Visceral approach to pregnant women and infants. S Breton
  • Training: tendinitis and muscle injuries

Experiences :

  • Bare Hands Clinic at CEESO PARIS from 2021 to 2023 
  • Interventions for patients in the day hospital, oncology department, and for nursing staff at Hôpital Delafontaine in St Denis.
  • Interventions for employees of Arnouville town hall and Nanterre faculty 

Internships :

  • In internal medicine at Hôpital Delafontaine 
  • In the delivery room, monitoring mothers and babies before and after delivery in gynecological and obstetric emergencies at Bicêtre hospital. 
  • Medical imaging with MRI and EOS scanners at the Drouot-Bachaumont hospital.Lariboissière 
  • In radiology at the Centre Cardiologique du Nord in Saint Denis

Sporting events:

  • Zen evening for swimmers at Athis-Mons aquatic center

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
