Versailles - 78000


Infertility and osteopathy

In a world where our modern habits have a profound impact on our health, infertility has become a major issue. Processed food, the stre...

le 12/01/25

Singing and osteopathy

Singing, whether practiced as an amateur or professionally, calls on many anatomical and physiological structures. Osteopathy can ...

le 28/11/24

Saxophone and osteopathy

Playing the saxophone places significant physical demands on its players. Whether it's the long hours of rehearsal, the so...

le 25/07/24

Sinusitis and osteopathy

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, the cavities around the nasal cavities. It can be acute or chronic, and often manifests itself as...

on 06/25/24

Harp and osteopathy

In the melodious world of music, each instrument has its own particularities and requirements, both technical and ergonomic. Among them, the har...

le 11/06/24

Guitar and osteopathy

The guitar, the emblematic six-stringed instrument, seduces with its versatility and expressive potential. From rock to classical music, it accompanies...


Piano and osteopathy

Playing the piano, while profoundly enriching, can impose significant constraints on the musician's body. Repetitive movements, p...


Violin and osteopathy

The violin is an instrument that demands technical mastery and rigorous body posture. To play optimally and avoid injury, it is essential to...

on 05/29/24

Why slackline?

Imagine yourself balanced, focused and moving, defying gravity and your own limits on a strap stretched between two points. The slackline, well ...

on 05/26/24

Osteopathy to help manage stress

Stress is the body's natural response to situations perceived as threatening or difficult. Although it can be beneficial in certain circums...


Preventing common sports injuries in Olympic athletes

Preventing sports injuries is a top priority for athletes at all levels, but it's particularly important for athletes who are at high risk of...

on 05/23/24

The 4th trimester of pregnancy: postpartum and its hormones

Postpartum is a fantastic time, but it can also be very difficult and terrifying. Every birth is different, every post-par...

on 05/23/24
Displaying 1-12 of 165 items

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Infertility and osteopathy

Singing and osteopathy

Saxophone and osteopathy


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