Versailles - 78000


How to train ankle proprioception?

Proprioception: what is it?
Proprioception is the body's ability to perceive its position and movements in space without having to...

le 14/02/25

Osteopathy to help manage stress

Stress is the body's natural response to situations perceived as threatening or difficult. Although it can be beneficial in certain circums...


Why should you force yourself to breathe through your nose?

The benefits of nasal breathing
Filtering, humidifying and warming air through the nose
Breathing through the nose plays an essential role in...

on 15/05/24

Cardiac coherence: a beneficial practice for body and mind

Cardiac coherence is a breathing technique that aims to synchronize the heartbeat with breathing. It is based on a breathing rhythm...

on 05/13/24

Optimizing performance and recovery in Olympic athletes: The key role of osteopathy

At the heart of humanity lies a spirit of competition and a relentless quest for excellence, emblematically embodied by the Olympic Games. This ...

on 03/25/24

Relieving coccyx pain with osteopathy

Although often minimized, coccyx pain can have a significant impact on our daily lives. Whether it's pain resulting from a ch...

le 16/01/24

Back pain? Don't neglect your perineum

Low back pain is a common complaint affecting millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. Often...

le 21/12/23

5 arguments for a visit to the osteopath before the Christmas festivities

As Christmas approaches, the festivities and preparations can sometimes overshadow the importance of looking after your health. Planning a visit to the osteopath in...

le 21/12/23

Introducing Athina de Vogel, your osteopath in Versailles

The origins of your osteopath, Athina de Vogel
Born in the South of France, I grew up at the foot of the Jura before moving to the Paris region...

le 14/11/23

What is the difference between physiotherapy and osteopathy?

Talking about the difference between a physiotherapist and an osteopath is one of the questions we're most often asked in our professional lives as...

le 07/11/23

Understanding "crack" during osteopathic sessions

One of the most debated and sometimes misunderstood aspects of osteopathy concerns the "crack" sound often heard during joint manipulations....

le 03/11/23

The decompensation of the company manager

This "decompensation" concerns all types of people but I have particularly noticed it in positions of responsibility but a self-employed person, like an employee, can be affected.
We read about it in many...

on 10/12/22
Showing 1-12 of 24 articles

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How to train ankle proprioception?


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