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Cardiac coherence: a beneficial practice for body and mind

Cardiac coherence is a breathing technique designed to synchronize the heartbeat with the breath. It is based on a specific breathing rhythm, generally 6 breaths per minute, to promote a state of coherence between breathing cycles and heartbeat. This practice stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a relaxation and stress-regulation response.

cardiac coherence breathing stress osteopathy versailles

Cardiac coherence is recognized for its numerous physical and mental health benefits. These include reducing stress and anxiety, improving cardiovascular health, increasing concentration and mental clarity, and improving sleep quality. Throughout this article, we'll explore in detail these various benefits and how cardiac coherence can contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.


Breathing is a vital process that enables our body to take in the oxygen it needs to survive and to eliminate the carbon dioxide produced by our cells. This process takes place primarily in the lungs, but also involves other organs such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

It's an automatic process controlled by the autonomic nervous system, but it can also be consciously influenced and regulated. Specific breathing techniques, such as cardiac coherence, can be used to enhance relaxation, manage stress and even improve physical and mental performance.


Proper breathing plays a crucial role in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. To achieve this, it's essential to adopt abdominal breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, which involves the diaphragm, a key muscle beneath the lungs. This technique involves breathing in through the nose and allowing the abdomen to inflate like a balloon, instinctively causing the chest to expand. This action indicates that the diaphragm is lowered, allowing the lungs to fill completely with air. To exhale, we recommend using the mouth, which causes the thorax to contract and the abdomen to contract. This allows better oxygenation of the blood and increased relaxation, as it activates the parasympathetic system, the nervous system responsible for relaxation and recovery.

cardiac coherence breathing stress osteopathy versailles

Cardiac coherence

Why practice cardiac coherence?

The practice of cardiac coherence offers many benefits for mental and physical health, here are just a few:

  • reduced stress and anxiety. Cardiac coherence is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. By synchronizing the breath with the heartbeat, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a state of calm and relaxation. This regulation of the autonomic nervous system reduces the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, and promotes the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which are associated with peace of mind.
  • improved sleep quality. Regular practice of cardiac coherence can improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for wakefulness. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, cardiac coherence facilitates falling asleep and promotes restful sleep.
  • strengthening the immune system. Studies have shown that cardiac coherence can strengthen the immune system by reducing cortisol levels and increasing the activity of immune cells, such as T-lymphocytes. By reducing stress and promoting physiological balance, this practice supports overall health and the body's ability to fight infection.
  • better emotional management. Cardiac coherence offers an effective means of managing emotions by promoting a more balanced emotional response. By regulating heart rate variability, it helps to modulate emotional responses, enabling us to cope better with the challenges and stressful situations of everyday life.
  • increased concentration and mental clarity. By promoting deep, controlled breathing, cardiac coherence increases brain oxygenation, which in turn improves concentration and mental clarity. The practice also promotes parasympathetic activation, which is associated with a state of calm and mental clarity, enabling better coping with cognitive tasks and the demands of daily life.


In short, cardiac coherence is a simple and effective practice that offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. By regulating the autonomic nervous system, it promotes physiological balance, relaxation and general well-being.

Who should practice cardiac coherence?

cardiac coherence breathing osteopath versailles

Cardiac coherence, suitable for everyone, offers a multitude of individual benefits. 

For people suffering from stress or anxiety, this practice regulates the autonomic nervous system by synchronizing the breath with the heartbeat. This synchronization promotes activation of the parasympathetic system, commonly known as the "rest and digest mode", thus reducing stress and anxiety. Cardiac coherence is particularly crucial for those facing chronic stress, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. By offering a simple and effective way of regulating the stress response, this practice helps to manage daily challenges and prevent burn-out.

It also helps people with sleep disorders to relax and fall asleep. For those affected by insomnia or anxiety-related sleep disorders, cardiac coherence offers a natural approach to improving sleep quality, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

In the field of sports performance, cardiac coherence regulates heart rate variability, improving stress and energy management in athletes. It also promotes deep, controlled breathing, improving muscle oxygenation, endurance and recovery after exercise. During training and competition, this practice improves concentration and mental focus, enabling athletes to remain reactive in the face of challenges.

Finally, for students during exam periods and for professionals faced with high cognitive demands in their daily work, there is a significant impact on concentration, memory and productivity. By regulating the autonomic nervous system, it promotes a state of calm and mental clarity, improving concentration and information retention. 

How do I practice cardiac coherence?

Practicing cardiac coherence involves several key elements to get the most out of it. The 365 breathing technique is one of the most commonly used to practice cardiac coherence. It consists of rhythmic breathing in which you inhale slowly for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 6 seconds, then exhale gently for 5 seconds. This breathing cycle is repeated for around 5 to 10 minutes to induce a state of cardiac coherence. It's important to concentrate on deep, even breathing, using the diaphragm to draw air into the lungs.

It's important to practice cardiac coherence in a comfortable, relaxed posture. Sit or lie down in a position that makes you feel comfortable and supported. Eliminate distractions and create a calm, peaceful environment to promote relaxation.

The practice of cardiac coherence is generally recommended for 5 to 10 minutes per session. This is the time needed to achieve the benefits of heart rate regulation and modulation of the stress response. However, even a few minutes of cardiac coherence can be beneficial, especially in cases of sudden stress or anxiety.


There are many apps and audio guides available (especially on YouTube) that can help guide your practice of cardiac coherence. These resources often provide detailed instructions on breathing technique, as well as visual or audio indicators to help you synchronize your breathing with your heart rhythm. Some apps also offer predefined cardiac coherence sessions of different durations, which can be useful for adapting to your individual schedule and needs.


By regularly practicing cardiac coherence with these techniques, you can develop the ability to regulate your heart rate and promote a state of calm and physical and mental well-being.

cardiac coherence breathing stress osteopathy versailles

When to practice cardiac coherence and how often?

Cardiac coherence can be practiced at different times of the day to achieve specific benefits. The morning can be an excellent way to start the day in a balanced and centered way. By taking a few minutes as soon as you wake up to focus on your breathing and connect with your heart rhythm, you create a state of calm and mental clarity that can positively influence the rest of the day. It can also help prepare us mentally and emotionally for the challenges of our day.

Cardiac coherence can be used as a stress management technique in the event of a sudden spike in anxiety or tension, before an exam, an appointment, ... When you feel overwhelmed by stress, taking a few minutes to practice cardiac coherence can help to quickly calm the mind and body.

Or even before going to sleep, can promote better, more restful sleep. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, this practice can help calm the restless mind and reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, thus promoting sleep. By taking a few minutes to concentrate on breathing and synchronizing the heartbeat before bedtime, we create an environment conducive to sleep and regeneration.

cardiac coherence stress breathing osteopathy versailles

In short, cardiac coherence can be practiced at different times of the day according to your individual needs. Above all, it can be a beneficial practice when integrated regularly into your wellness routine. Ideally, cardiac coherence should be practiced daily to maximize its benefits. However, it's important to recognize that everyone has different needs and constraints. If practicing cardiac coherence daily seems difficult due to a busy schedule or other obligations, don't hesitate to adapt the frequency to your individual needs. Even practicing a few times a week can still provide significant benefits in managing stress and promoting well-being.


cardiac coherence breathing stress Versailles osteopath

Cardiac coherence is a simple yet highly effective tool for improving physical and mental health, promoting inner tranquility and overall well-being. By regulating heart rhythm and synchronizing breathing, this method offers a comprehensive approach to supporting emotional and physical balance.

We urge everyone to make cardiac coherence part of their daily routine. By devoting a few minutes each day to this practice, you can cultivate a state of calm and relaxation, preparing you to face the challenges of daily life with greater serenity.

Athina De Vogel
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Athina De Vogel osteopath versailles

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