Versailles - 78000

Articles published by Athina De Vogel - osteopath

Singing and osteopathy

Singing, whether practiced as an amateur or professionally, calls on many anatomical and physiological structures. Osteopathy can ...

le 28/11/24

Saxophone and osteopathy

Playing the saxophone places significant physical demands on its players. Whether it's the long hours of rehearsal, the so...

le 25/07/24

Harp and osteopathy

In the melodious world of music, each instrument has its own particularities and requirements, both technical and ergonomic. Among them, the har...

le 11/06/24

Guitar and osteopathy

The guitar, the emblematic six-stringed instrument, seduces with its versatility and expressive potential. From rock to classical music, it accompanies...


Piano and osteopathy

Playing the piano, while profoundly enriching, can impose significant constraints on the musician's body. Repetitive movements, p...


Osteopathy to help manage stress

Stress is the body's natural response to situations perceived as threatening or difficult. Although it can be beneficial in certain circums...


Cardiac coherence: a beneficial practice for body and mind

Cardiac coherence is a breathing technique that aims to synchronize the heartbeat with breathing. It is based on a breathing rhythm...

on 05/13/24

Fibromyalgia and osteopathy

Fibromyalgia is attracting growing interest in the medical field. With its chronic diffuse pain, this pathology affects a wide range of people...

on 11/05/24

Digestive disorders in infants

Digestive disorders are problems that affect the digestive system, which is responsible for digestion, absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste products.

le 22/03/24

Neck pain: get your eyes checked!

Neck pain is a common complaint in our modern society, often attributed to prolonged postures in front of computer screens, d...

on 03/21/24

Relieving coccyx pain with osteopathy

Although often minimized, coccyx pain can have a significant impact on our daily lives. Whether it's pain resulting from a ch...

le 16/01/24

Consult an osteopath during the winter sports season

Winter is here and with it the enthusiasm for winter sports. Every year, more and more visitors explore the mountains lo...

le 15/01/24
Displaying 1-12 of 23 items

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