Versailles - 78000

Introducing Athina de Vogel, your osteopath in Versailles

The origins of your osteopath, Athina de Vogel

Born in the South of France, I grew up at the foot of the Jura before moving to the Paris region to study osteopathy, after passing my baccalauréat. I always wanted to work in a profession that would enable me to be in contact with others, to help them and listen to them. As a teenager, I knew I wanted to become an osteopath, a decision prompted by a life-changing personal experience during a consultation with an osteopath. At the time, I was involved in a number of sports, including classical and contemporary dance, golf and skiing, which sometimes caused back pain. My first visit to an osteopath was a revelation, and I've never changed my mind since, even going on to higher education.

Your osteopath's training courses in Versailles Chantiers

I trained as an osteopath at the Centre Européen d'Enseignement Supérieur de l'Ostéopathie (CEESO) in Paris. I chose this school for its comprehensive, state-recognized training. This training included a variety of practical internships, including clinical experiences, dissections and immersion periods in companies and hospitals. These opportunities enabled me to gain solid experience and develop essential skills for my practice, while perfecting my manual techniques.

I wrote my dissertation on "The role of manual therapies in the management of women suffering from endometriosis". This enabled me to learn more about a pathology that affects a significant number of women and is a major current health problem. I have continued to deepen my knowledge of this pathology through the training course, L'endométriose : l'affaire de tous.

Complementary training

As well as enabling me to carry out comprehensive osteopathic consultations aimed at relieving, empowering and advising my patients, my course at CEESO Paris has opened up a wealth of opportunities for me. I was lucky enough to take part in a month-long university exchange in Montreal, at the ENOSI school and their osteopathic clinic. This experience enabled me to discover another approach to our profession, as the osteopathic profession is less recognized there, and their teaching methods are different.

In addition, I practiced for two years at CEESO's bare hands clinic, as well as in external establishments such as the faculty of Nanterre and Arnouville town hall.

I also had the opportunity to explore the hospital world through a number of observation placements in various departments, as well as taking care of patients at the Delafontaine hospital, particularly in the oncology department. I also had the opportunity to immerse myself in the world of sport by looking after patients at the Athis-Mons aquatic center. Finally, I was lucky enough to meet Marie Messager, who was my teacher during my last year at school, and with whom I currently work in the Versailles practice.

I've always loved school because I like to study new things and learn new things. So I'm currently continuing my training to perfect my skills in various subjects that interest me. I've already taken a course in kinesiotaping. These are strips of fabric with glue which, in certain cases, enable me to extend my osteopathic treatment. Between now and the end of 2023, I'll be training in the treatment of tendonitis and muscular injuries, the visceral approach to pregnant women and infants, and taking a FIFA online course in the care of footballers.

Your Versailles osteopath's vision of osteopathy

I describe osteopathy as a form of manual therapy aimed at improving the body's well-being. My role is to use a variety of techniques to anticipate, identify and treat body problems that may lead to health problems. My field of action encompasses different parts of the body, including joints, muscles, organs and the head, with the aim of helping my patients feel better. I place great emphasis on providing advice to relieve pain and prevent problems from becoming chronic. What I find particularly fascinating about my profession is the need to adapt to each patient and the exchanges I have with each one. Everyone is unique, whether in terms of lifestyle, history, the types of pain they experience, etc. This diversity is a source of personal enrichment, as I meet a wide range of people and engage in discussions on a variety of subjects such as sport, jobs, travel, health, family, etc. This gives me the joy of constantly learning in many areas.

Your osteopath's projects in Versailles

My future plans are varied. I'm keen to seize opportunities that will enable me to practice osteopathy in an environment that suits me, and to continue enriching my knowledge. In the short term, I'd like to learn more about posturology and improve my skills in treating children.

Athina De Vogel
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Athina De Vogel osteopath versailles

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