Versailles - 78000

Osteo versailles

Bouldering and osteopathy: Understanding, preventing and treating injuries

Bouldering is a fascinating discipline that intensely engages the whole body and mind. Unlike classic wall climbing...

le 22/02/25

How to train ankle proprioception?

Proprioception: what is it?
Proprioception is the body's ability to perceive its position and movements in space without having to...

le 14/02/25

Infertility and osteopathy

In a world where our modern habits have a profound impact on our health, infertility has become a major issue. Processed food, the stre...

le 12/01/25

Saxophone and osteopathy

Playing the saxophone places significant physical demands on its players. Whether it's the long hours of rehearsal, the so...

le 25/07/24

Harp and osteopathy

In the melodious world of music, each instrument has its own particularities and requirements, both technical and ergonomic. Among them, the har...

le 11/06/24

Guitar and osteopathy

The guitar, the emblematic six-stringed instrument, seduces with its versatility and expressive potential. From rock to classical music, it accompanies...


Preventing common sports injuries in Olympic athletes

Preventing sports injuries is a top priority for athletes at all levels, but it's particularly important for athletes who are at high risk of...

on 05/23/24

Achilles tendinopathy and osteopathy

Achilles tendinopathy represents a major clinical challenge and a subject of growing interest in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation...

on 03/25/24

Neck pain: get your eyes checked!

Neck pain is a common complaint in our modern society, often attributed to prolonged postures in front of computer screens, d...

on 03/21/24

Tennis leg and osteopathy

The tennis leg is characterized by the detachment of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (previously known as the medial gastrocnemius) from its common insertion a...

le 19/01/24

The well-being of managers and employees: part 2 - Spirit

The mind
The second big part of the path to a happy, fit leader or employee is the mind.
Admittedly, they are closely ...

le 15/01/24

The well-being of managers and employees: part 1 - body

Welcome to the training course on the well-being of managers and employees.
I'm going to introduce you to the three key points you need to master to ensure ...

le 15/01/24
Showing 1-12 of 54 articles

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Bouldering and osteopathy: Understanding, preventing and treating injuries

When will my baby sleep through the night? A universal question among young parents

How to train ankle proprioception?


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