Versailles - 78000

Osteopath versailles

Why consult an osteopath after breast surgery?

Breast surgery, whether performed for medical reasons such as breast cancer treatment or for cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, is a...

on 05/13/24

Relieving coccyx pain with osteopathy

Although often minimized, coccyx pain can have a significant impact on our daily lives. Whether it's pain resulting from a ch...

le 16/01/24

Consult an osteopath during the winter sports season

Winter is here and with it the enthusiasm for winter sports. Every year, more and more visitors explore the mountains lo...

le 15/01/24

Back pain? Don't neglect your perineum

Low back pain is a common complaint affecting millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. Often...

le 21/12/23

5 arguments for a visit to the osteopath before the Christmas festivities

As Christmas approaches, the festivities and preparations can sometimes overshadow the importance of looking after your health. Planning a visit to the osteopath in...

le 21/12/23

Introducing Athina de Vogel, your osteopath in Versailles

The origins of your osteopath, Athina de Vogel
Born in the South of France, I grew up at the foot of the Jura before moving to the Paris region...

le 14/11/23

Consult an osteopath for headaches

Headaches, or céphalées in medical terms, are a very common symptom. Between half and three-quarters of adults aged 18 to 65 worldwide suffer from headaches.

le 07/11/23

Place of manual therapy in patients with endometriosis: Review of the scope - Conclusion and references

5. Conclusion
In the management of endometriosis, numerous treatments of different types (physical, psychotherapeutic, manual, ...) have ...

le 01/11/23

Place of manual therapy in patients with endometriosis: Review of the scope - Discussion

4.1 Aim of the study
Through this study, we have observed that endometriosis is an increasingly frequently diagnosed pathology. In ...

le 01/11/23

How does running protect your back?

We regularly hear from people around us that running strains the back and creates too many injuries for the body. Until now, you didn't know what to say, but thanks to the...

on 23/03/22

What is a fracture?

Bone is an extremely strong structure with a very complex architecture. To give you an idea, it takes a force of 1000 kg per cm3 to break a bone. It is therefore very resistant...

on 09/02/22

The benefits of osteopathy for pregnant women

Why consult an osteopath during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the reasons for consulting an osteopath are numerous and varied. We have listed in this article the specific problems of women during pregnancy.

on 04/02/22
Displaying articles 1-12 of 63

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