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Place of manual therapy in patients with endometriosis: Review of the scope - Conclusion and references

5. Conclusion

Many different types of treatment (physical, psychotherapeutic, manual, etc.) have been tried for endometriosis. Unfortunately, none has proved curative. They help to improve symptoms and patients' quality of life. And this study proves that manual therapies are an additional aid in the multidisciplinary treatment of patients.

Over the past decade, there has been a real increase in the diagnosis of endometriosis. However, patients are still rarely referred for manual treatment. This is partly due to the fact that some therapists feel limited in their treatment, as they do not have sufficient knowledge of this pathology. However, it is recommended that manual therapists, including osteopaths, be given more training in the management of patients with endometriosis. Students should also be given more detailed explanations of the disease and how to care for patients. After all, these women need moral support, explanations of their condition, answers to their questions, etc. In addition to the theoretical part of the pathology, practical courses could point students in the direction of possible treatments for patients, bearing in mind that several techniques have already shown improvements in previous studies. Of course, we mustn't forget that osteopathy is "patient-centred", and that there is no such thing as an identical treatment protocol for the same reason for consultation.

Consequently, the therapeutic approach to a woman with endometriosis should be individualized, offering her the best treatment options, according to the symptoms and problems that afflict her, and taking into account her preferences and priorities. In this way, patients' needs must be carefully considered as part of medical advice. And women must be offered a more active role in shaping their own treatment strategy. This means giving them advice, such as practising sport (particularly muscle strengthening, pilates and yoga), which helps to relieve the discomforts of endometriosis. Above all, it's important that the sporting activity is good for the patient. No sport should be totally banned in cases of endometriosis. Diet is another point on which patients can intervene. It is recommended that they cut down as much as possible on pro-inflammatory foods (alcohol, sugar, red meat, etc.) and favor anti-inflammatory foods such as fruit, vegetables, oily fish, etc., to reduce the inflammation created by endometriosis. Giving patients advice helps them learn to live better with their condition, and empowers them.

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Athina De Vogel
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Athina De Vogel osteopath versailles

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