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Fatigue fracture and osteopathy

What is a stress fracture?
A fatigue fracture also called stress fracture corresponds to a pathology of the bone tissue which adapts to an overload of stress. It corroborates the...

on 09/29/19

Sever's disease and osteopathy

What is Sever's disease?
Sever's disease was described by James Warren Sever in 1912. It is a growth osteochondrosis that affects the secondary ossification nucleus of the pelvis.

on 19/08/19

Patellar or femoro-patellar syndrome and osteopathy

Introduction to patellar syndrome
Patellar syndrome, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), is the leading cause of pain in the patellar...

on 19/08/19

Morton's disease or syndrome and osteopathy

What is Morton's disease?
Morton's syndrome was first described in 1876 by Thomas Morton.
This disease is due to the mechanical compression of a nerve of the foot under the...

on 18/08/19

Maigne syndrome and osteopathy

What is Maigne syndrome?
Also called thoracolumbar junction syndrome, Maigne syndrome owes its name to the man who discovered it: Dr. Robert Maigne.
The syndrome...

on 15/08/19

Sciatica or sciatica and osteopathy

Anatomy of the sciatic nerve

On either side of the vertebrae are nerve roots from the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve comes from the L4 L5 S1 S2 S3 roots.
It is the most common nerve in the...

on 13/08/19

How does a good osteopath work?

In my office, I am often asked how I work, what kind of techniques I use, etc. I answer the patient with this question: do you ask your plumber or craftsman what kind of equipment he uses?

on 13/08/19

Blocked tear duct and osteopathy

Does your baby have a runny eye all the time? A little crust in the corner of the eye? It is possible that your baby has a blocked tear duct... Explanations in this article:
What is the ...

on 11/08/19

Retractile capsulitis or frozen shoulder and osteopathy

What is retractile capsule or frozen shoulder?
Retractile capsulitis, also called "frozen shoulder", is often confused with shoulder tendinopathy because of the loss of mobility.

on 09/08/19

Anatomy of the radial nerve

Presentation of the radial nerve
It is a mixed nerve, the most voluminous and it is mainly involved in the extension of the arm.
Origin of the radial nerve
The radial nerve (C6-T1) comes from the branch of divisor...

on 06/08/19

How to soothe your back pain? 6 simple exercises to do!

In osteopathy, we work on all parts of the body in order to give it a better mechanism. It is a wonderful therapy but it is not everything. For a person to be able to...

on 06/08/19

Osteopathy, essential after wisdom teeth extraction

The extraction of wisdom teeth is a technical procedure that requires a large or even too large opening of the jaw... The duration of the procedure and the technique itself can be very difficult...

on 06/08/19
Showing articles 121-132 of 169

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