We regularly hear from people around us that running strains the back and creates too many injuries for the body. Until now, you didn't know what to say, but thanks to the...
We regularly hear from people around us that running strains the back and creates too many injuries for the body. Until now, you didn't know what to say, but thanks to the...
Since almost the dawn of time, we have been hearing that when your back hurts, you should take up swimming and stop running! At the risk of shocking many people, I have the pleasure to tell you that I have...
In osteopathy, we work on all parts of the body in order to give it a better mechanism. It is a wonderful therapy but it is not everything. For a person to be able to...
Lumbago or lumbalgia are two words that mean "pain in the lumbar region" ("algie" meaning pain and "lomb" referring to the lumbar region). Thus, to have a lumbago is to have pain in the back.