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Osteo versailles - Page 3

Osteopathy for musculoskeletal disorders: an effective approach backed by scientific studies

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major health problem affecting many individuals, with potentially harmful consequences for their well-being and productivity.

on 08/06/23

Hip cold

What is a hip cold?
The "hip cold" is a temporary and acute inflammation of the hip joint, which manifests itself by a sudden limp and difficulty walking...

on 03/02/23

What is Moersch-Woltman syndrome (or Stiff person syndrome)

Discovered by Moerch and Woltman, stiff person syndrome is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder characterized by an inability to perform movements that are not necessarily in the normal range of motion.

on 12/15/22

Tietze syndrome and osteopathy

What is Tietze syndrome?
Tietze syndrome, also called costochondritis, was discovered in the 19th century by Alexander Tietze, a German physician.
This syndrome is characterized by...

on 11/12/22

Coccyx pain and osteopathy

What is coccygodynia?
Coccygodynia is a term used to describe pain in the area of the coccyx (tailbone), which is the bone at the base of the spine. This pain is called coc...

on 10/12/22

Algoneurodystrophy or SRDC and osteopathy

What is CRPS aka algoneurodystrophy?
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as algoneurodystrophy, is characterized by one or more joint regions of the...

on 06/12/22

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and osteopathy

Did you know?
1 woman in 10 suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome
It is the 1st cause of female infertility
What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?
The name polycystic ovary syndrome is...

on 23/09/22

Baby's sleep

Did you know that?
47% of French parents complain about the sleep of their child aged 16-18 months!
Study by Stork, 2000

Baby's sleep is one of the concerns of parents. The arrival of...

on 21/12/21

What is the Muller-Weiss syndrome that affects Rafael Nadal's foot?

Although quite rare, this syndrome has recently increased its popularity following the recent diagnosis of the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal. We hope that this pathology will not be a problem in the future.

on 8/21/21

Dupuytren's disease and osteopathy

What is Dupuytren's disease?

Dupuytren's disease, described in the 1830s, corresponds to an abnormal fibrous thickening (called fibrosis) associated with a retraction of the skin.

on 18/08/21

The Russian warm-up: an old method that works to warm up quickly

The warm-up is essential to any physical activity and we have seen why. Unfortunately, it is too often neglected, considered boring. The purpose of this article is therefore to reconcile you with the...

on 7/24/21

Presentation of Damien Fabre, osteopath in Versailles

The origins of Damien Fabre
Originally from Versailles, where he completed his entire schooling up to the baccalaureate, Damien Fabre went on to study at CEESO Paris, which has since become the ...

on 04/13/21
Showing 25-36 of 54 articles

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