Versailles - 78000

Osteopath for sports

Triathletes' main running-related injuries

What is triathlon?
Triathlon is an endurance sport that combines three different disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. Triathletes have to do all these tr...

on 06/29/23

How to tie your sport shoes?

Feet differ from one person to another, some have wide feet, others thin, others are stronger. And yet we don't tell you how to tie your street shoes...

on 06/20/22

How does running protect your back?

We regularly hear from people around us that running strains the back and creates too many injuries for the body. Until now, you didn't know what to say, but thanks to the...

on 23/03/22

The Russian warm-up: an old method that works to warm up quickly

The warm-up is essential to any physical activity and we have seen why. Unfortunately, it is too often neglected, considered boring. The purpose of this article is therefore to reconcile you with the...

on 7/24/21

Osteopathy and horseback riding: the health of the rider

Presentation of the rider's health
Between the passion of the horse and the practice of sports, horse riding seduces many people since it is the third most practiced sport in France (after the ...

on 04/13/21

Osteopathy and classical dance

Flexibility and elegance are related to classical dance and yet classical dance is an art that requires long hours of training and a great mastery of gestures and movements. This is the...

on 22/03/21

Osteopathy and basketball

Basketball was first introduced in the United States and Canada in 1891 by a physical education teacher. Basketball is a sport that relies on many changes of direction...

on 08/03/21

Physical preparation of the U16 soccer

1. Introduction
As a sports osteopath, many sports patients, especially soccer players, are seen in my practice. Osteopathy is a wonderful profession, a real passport to the future.

on 06/24/20

Knee sprain and osteopathy

What is a knee sprain?
A knee sprain is a damage to one or more ligaments of the knee. The ligament or ligaments can be stretched beyond their physical barrier.

on 03/24/20

Back pain and sports: what if swimming wasn't so good?

Since almost the dawn of time, we have been hearing that when your back hurts, you should take up swimming and stop running! At the risk of shocking many people, I have the pleasure to tell you that I have...

on 20/01/20

Osgood Schlatter : growing knee pain and osteopathy

What is Osgood Schlatter?
Osgood and Schlatter are the two people who identified this condition and first described it in 1903.
Osgood Schlatter's disease is the most common...

on 30/12/19

Tennis elbow - epicondylitis or elbow tendonitis and osteopathy

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a tendinopathy of the lateral aspect of the elbow. It is the most frequent pathology of the elbow (80% of the cases of tennis elbow).

on 09/12/19
Displaying 1-12 of 26 articles

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