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Blog - Page 5

Covid long and osteopathy

COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has had a profound impact on global health since it emerged in December 2019. While many individuals are recovering from...

on 04/09/23

Inguinal hernia

What is an inguinal hernia?
An inguinal hernia is a medical condition characterized by the protrusion of part of the intestine through a weakness or opening in the par...


Triathletes' main running-related injuries

What is triathlon?
Triathlon is an endurance sport that combines three different disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. Triathletes have to do all these tr...

on 06/29/23

5 common questions parents of newborns ask themselves

As an osteopath specializing in pediatrics, I have the incredible good fortune to see many babies and their parents at my practice. During our 45-minute consultations, we have the opportunity to...


Osteopathy for musculoskeletal disorders: an effective approach backed by scientific studies

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major health problem affecting many individuals, with potentially harmful consequences for their well-being and productivity.

on 08/06/23

The pacifier: advantages and disadvantages as seen by your osteopath

Pacifier use in babies and toddlers is a hotly debated topic in the field of child health. Parents often wonder whether pacifiers are beneficial or detrimental...


Take care of your scars! Advice from your osteopath

Scars are the visible marks of our body's history. They can be the result of trauma (accidents, burns) or of various int...


Hip cold

What is a hip cold?
The "hip cold" is a temporary and acute inflammation of the hip joint, which manifests itself by a sudden limp and difficulty walking...

on 03/02/23

What is Moersch-Woltman syndrome (or Stiff person syndrome)

Discovered by Moerch and Woltman, stiff person syndrome is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder characterized by an inability to perform movements that are not necessarily in the normal range of motion.

on 12/15/22

Tietze syndrome and osteopathy

What is Tietze syndrome?
Tietze syndrome, also called costochondritis, was discovered in the 19th century by Alexander Tietze, a German physician.
This syndrome is characterized by...

on 11/12/22

The decompensation of the company manager

This "decompensation" concerns all types of people but I have particularly noticed it in positions of responsibility but a self-employed person, like an employee, can be affected.
We read about it in many...

on 10/12/22

Coccyx pain and osteopathy

What is coccygodynia?
Coccygodynia is a term used to describe pain in the area of the coccyx (tailbone), which is the bone at the base of the spine. This pain is called coc...

on 10/12/22
Showing articles 49-60 of 165

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Infertility and osteopathy

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Saxophone and osteopathy


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