Versailles - 78000


Chopart's sprain and osteopathy

Chopart's sprain is an injury to the Chopart's joint complex in the foot, often underestimated and misdiagnosed. Studies have shown that sprains are...

le 11/12/23

What is the Muller-Weiss syndrome that affects Rafael Nadal's foot?

Although quite rare, this syndrome has recently increased its popularity following the recent diagnosis of the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal. We hope that this pathology will not be a problem in the future.

on 8/21/21

Hallux valgus and osteopathy

What is hallux valgus?

Hallux valgus or "bunion" is a deformity, a lateral deviation of the big toe (called hallux) of the foot in relation to the first metatarsal. It is characterized by a...

on 11/02/20

Treating plantar fasciitis or aponeuropathy with osteopathy

Also called plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciitis refers to pain occurring in the plantar fascia. The use of the suffix "ite" is explained by the fact that we think that the...

on 30/01/19
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