Versailles - 78000


The well-being of managers and employees: part 1 - body

Welcome to the training course on the well-being of managers and employees.
I'm going to introduce you to the three key points you need to master to ensure ...

le 15/01/24

Osteopathy for musculoskeletal disorders: an effective approach backed by scientific studies

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major health problem affecting many individuals, with potentially harmful consequences for their well-being and productivity.

on 08/06/23

Musculoskeletal disorders related to the use of a mouse

More and more ergonomic mice are appearing in the high-tech sector. These computer mice are very successful in the workplace.
Musculoskeletal disorders ...

on 15/11/18
3 items

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Singing and osteopathy

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