Versailles - 78000

Miscellaneous - Page 2

All about the swiss ball (or pregnancy ball)

It's hard not to notice this big ball of different colors that we see in exercises for pregnant women, in companies and even in your osteopath's office.
But what does it ...

on 03/10/21

Presentation of Damien Fabre, osteopath in Versailles

The origins of Damien Fabre
Originally from Versailles, where he completed his entire schooling up to the baccalaureate, Damien Fabre went on to study at CEESO Paris, which has since become the ...

on 04/13/21

The benefits of light therapy

Presentation of the light therapy lamp
A lamp of luminotherapy is an artificial light which is similar to that of the sun. The fact of being exposed to this light supports the secretion of...

on 05/03/21

How to choose the right school bag? The advice of your osteopath

It's back to school time. Why not a new backpack for your child?
Backpack or rolling bag or shoulder bag, what size, what straps, in short what bag to choose?
All the s...

on 11/30/20

Consult your osteopath in Versailles during the curfew

At the Versailles Chantiers osteopathy practice, we have always offered late consultation slots to allow all people to consult an osteopath...

on 10/23/20

When to consult your osteopath?

Osteopathy has long been considered in the collective imagination as a therapy exclusively focused on the treatment of osteoarticular pain and with a limited scope of application.

on 04/28/20

The deconfinement of the osteopathic practice in Versailles

The osteopathic practice will reopen on May 11, 2020 after almost two months of closure related to containment and measures the state has put in place to limit the spread of COVI...

on 04/28/20

What are fasciae (or fascias)?

If they are very often cited by many manual therapists as being an integral part of their practice (there are even fasciatherapists), the anatomical situation of the fasciae, their...

on 23/12/19

How does a good osteopath work?

In my office, I am often asked how I work, what kind of techniques I use, etc. I answer the patient with this question: do you ask your plumber or craftsman what kind of equipment he uses?

on 13/08/19

What is cranial osteopathy?

A question frequently asked by our patients, the answer is both childishly simple and really complex. It is simple because one could clearly answer "Osteopathy is a...

on 06/23/19

How to find a good osteopath in Versailles - Yvelines ?

"I'm looking for a good osteopath in Versailles - do you know one? "
I am often asked what are the criteria for finding a good osteopath.
Indeed, there are many osteopaths on the market.

on 18/08/18

Osteopath, chiropractor and etiopath: what are the differences?

Definition of osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual method of care based on mobilization and manipulation techniques. By manipulating the body from head to toe...

on 23/08/17
Showing 13-24 of 24 articles

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