Presentation of Damien Fabre, osteopath in Versailles

The origins of Damien Fabre
Originally from Versailles, where he completed his entire schooling up to the baccalaureate, Damien Fabre then continued his studies at CEESO Paris, which has been one of the reference establishments for osteopathic training for nearly 30 years.
Coming to osteopathy
Following an articular pathology of the knees during his growth, in connection with a too intensive practice of the sport in general and basketball in particular he had to be followed during several months in physiotherapy. It was on this occasion that he discovered manual therapy and the link that could be established between the patient and his practitioner that made him want to work in this sector.
The discovery of osteopathy came a few years later, thanks to a friend who had recently started her studies. After having consulted an osteopath, the decision was made to start osteopathy without first going through the "box" of physiotherapy. In 2000, this was still a risk, as the profession of osteopath was not yet recognized in France, but fortunately this was the case soon after.
At that time, it was the philosophy of osteopathy that convinced your practitioner to turn to this training, particularly the holistic approach of the patient, i.e. the importance of not focusing exclusively on the patient's symptom(s) but to try to understand how this (or these) has (have) settled. During the osteopathic studies, the learning of this approach goes above all through anatomy and articular biomechanics and the understanding of the numerous tools and means that the body has at its disposal to keep its balance despite the multiple constraints it has to face on a daily basis.
An experience over the years
With the practice first within the dispensary of the training establishment and then in private practice, your practitioner has learned to integrate more and more the emotional and affective dimension of each individual, which also contributes to the good (or sometimes not so good) functioning of the body and to the management of acute as well as chronic pain. Thanks to the various training courses followed since his diploma and to the experience accumulated, the practice of your osteopath does not cease evolving over the years. Indeed, your osteopath's background has also been enriched by numerous trainings in osteopathic follow-up of newborns, infants and pregnant women, as well as in haptonomy, etiomedicine, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming.
An osteopathy practice in Chartres and Versailles

After starting his private practice in Versailles in 2006, your osteopath in Versailles seized the opportunity to join a practice established for several years in Chartres in 2008. After ten years of practice in Chartres, Damien Fabre has developed a new multidisciplinary structure open to the public since May 2017 in which he practices with a speech therapist, a physiotherapist and three midwives.
In 2019, Marie Messager invited him to join her in a joint practice in Versailles, which opened in December 2019 and where Marie Messager and Damien Fabre have been welcoming you since then, alternating days of the week.
External interventions and teaching
In parallel to his practice, your osteopath has worked with players from the Stade Français Paris and Racing 92 rugby teams, as well as with young footballers in training, as part of the writing of his final thesis on osteopathic support for high-level athletes.
For the past 3 years, Damien Fabre has been a regular contributor to the Poisvilliers medical and educational institute (28), where he consults with the multi-handicapped children who are followed there.
In addition to this private practice, Damien Fabre is also involved in the transmission of the experience he has acquired through his commitment as a teacher for the past ten years in various osteopathic training institutions. On a more occasional basis, your osteopath intervenes with companies to lead workshops on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and stress management, which involve his practical and theoretical knowledge for a better quality of life and especially a better health in everyday life.