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Osteopathy and multiple sclerosis

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?

nervous system multiple sclerosis osteopath versailles

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that evolves in relapses, it is said to be progressive. This pathology is an inflammatory, autoimmune disease affecting the brain and spinal cord and the optic nerves. Multiple sclerosis is not a genetic disease. 

Multiple sclerosis causes a deterioration of nerve impulses. This nerve impulse is the system that allows our body to send messages to the brain. It works with the help of sheaths that are made up of myelin. Myelin ensures the speed of transmission of the various nerve messages. Multiple sclerosis will weaken or destroy the myelin, we speak of demyelination, which causes a weakening of the messages transmitted. 

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis therefore acts on our nervous system. The symptoms can be isolated or added together, and they can also be very varied because the nervous system can be affected in only certain areas. 

  • Sensitivity disorders in the legs, arms, chest, stomach, face... These disorders can manifest themselves in the form of tingling, pins and needles, pain sensation, heat/cold, ... 
  • Disorders of the urinary system and sexuality;
  • Disorders of coordination and movement, the patient may have paralysis and feel muscle contractions or weakness;
  • Visual, memory and concentration problems and great fatigue;
  • Emotional control problems, signs of depression.

These symptoms first appear in spurts before settling in and becoming permanent, sometimes leading to severe disabilities. 

Who is affected by multiple sclerosis

multiple sclerosis woman osteo versailles

Multiple sclerosis affects mostly women, there are two women for every man. It is generally the young adult who is affected. 

The peak of multiple sclerosis is around the age of 30. 

In France, there are approximately 100,000 people with multiple sclerosis and 2.3 million worldwide. 

What are the treatments for multiple sclerosis?

Today, there is no curative treatment, but current treatments can reduce the intensity and frequency of relapses. 

Patients are usually prescribed disease-modifying therapy to control relapses. Immunosuppressants and corticosteroids are also prescribed for the relapses. 

Only a treatment validated by a doctor or a specialist can be considered.

Diets can also be put in place such as gluten-free or red meat-free diets and/or supplements such as vitamin D

Physical activity is also a very good way to improve muscle tone, mobility and strength. Practices such as yoga, walking, or sophrology can have a real impact on the patient's psychological fatigue. 

We can also mention reflexology and acupressure which influence the intensity of the pain and the body fatigue felt by the patient.

Osteopathy and multiple sclerosis

multiple sclerosis osteopath versailles

Please note that osteopathy is not considered a treatment for multiple sclerosis. Osteopathy aims to improve the daily life of the patient suffering from this pathology. The osteopath can analyze the symptoms and the patient's lifestyle and propose a treatment adapted to the situation. 

The osteopath is trained in many techniques and practices, he can intervene on certain compensations that the body will have created to alleviate the pain, the osteopath also acts to revitalize the most painful areas on the patient's body.

Through gentle joint and tissue techniques, the osteopath can restore mobility and some dynamism to the body. 

Your osteopath can also be a source of advice and proposals to deal with new disabilities, in particular with muscle relaxation and posture exercises, but also proprioception. 

Unfortunately, osteopathy cannot dissolve physical handicaps, but it can reduce their effects on the surrounding structures. 

On this type of pathology, multidisciplinary support is essential. Your osteopath must be part of it and can listen to you and help you psychologically. 

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

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