The deconfinement of the osteopathic practice in Versailles
The osteopathic practice will reopen on May 11, 2020 after almost two months of closure related to containment and measures the state has put in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.
In this article, we present you all that we implement to receive you in the best possible sanitary conditions:
Hygiene in the osteopathic practice
When the containment was put in place in mid-March, the office was completely disinfected by a specialized cleaning company.
This complete disinfection will take place a few days before May 11, then once a week.
Actions regarding your osteopath:
Your osteopath's equipment:

Because it is not possible for your osteopath to respect social distancing, your osteopath will be equipped :
- Mask changed every 4 hours (surgical or FFP2)
- Gown changed several times a day
- Wearing glasses
Hand washing
Of course, as was done before, your osteopath will wash his or her hands before, after and sometimes during the consultation. If you prefer your practitioner to handle you with gloves, this is possible on request.
Office hygiene measures:
The consultation room

The practice table:
The following protocol will be systematically applied between each patient:
- Cleaning of the examination table: the table will be without the usual cover and heating blanket.
- Use of the single-use examination sheet (as before)
The following protocol will be systematically applied between each patient:
- Use of a virucide on all surfaces that have potentially been in contact with a patient (desk, chair, door handles, etc).
- Systematic disinfection of the Eftpos terminal for CB payments.
- Provision of hydro-alcoholic gel in various places in the practice.
- The premises are ventilated several times a day.
The ground
- The floor will be cleaned and disinfected several times a day.

The toilets are always equipped with a hand wash station with soap and single-use paper towels. A changing table is also available.
Normally, this room is washed and disinfected once or twice a day. It will be cleaned after each use.
The waiting room
The waiting room is reserved for the patients of the osteopathic practice, so you will not be in contact with other patients! However, this room will unfortunately be devoid of its magazines and toys.

Your participation as a patient:

- Be punctual: COVID-19 or not, we ask you not to be late. As a reminder, any patient who is more than 10 minutes late will not be able to be taken in charge so as not to delay other appointments. This is to ensure that the quality of care is always optimal.
- Wear a mask if you have one.
- Wash your hands when you enter the office: hydro-alcoholic gel is available.
- Come alone unless it is impossible.
We hope that the implementation of these measures is convenient for you and reassures you. We remain at your disposal if you have any questions or if you wish to take other specific measures.
Damien Fabre
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles