Versailles - 78000

Pregnant woman

The 4th trimester of pregnancy: postpartum and its hormones

Postpartum is a fantastic time, but it can also be very difficult and terrifying. Every birth is different, every post-par...

on 05/23/24

The benefits of osteopathy for pregnant women

Why consult an osteopath during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the reasons for consulting an osteopath are numerous and varied. We have listed in this article the specific problems of women during pregnancy.

on 04/02/22

What is the placenta?

A few weeks ago, during a consultation at my office, I ask a woman who is 7 months pregnant if she has any questions. We had just talked about everything and anything and I was hoping to get her enough...

on 21/02/21

Pregnancy and sport

In the last 30 years, the rate of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension and macrosomia of the newborn (size and weight of the baby) has increased.

on 07/05/20
4 items

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