Versailles - 78000

Ehlers Danlos syndrome and osteopathy

What is Ehlers Danlos syndrome?

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is an inherited disorder that affects connective tissue. 

They are characterized by 3 main signs:

  • Joint hyperlaxity: more precisely, we speak of Generalized Articular Hypermobility (GAH)
  • Hyper elasticity of the skin
  • Fragility of connective tissue

These diseases are mainly due to abnormalities within the extracellular matrix (biosynthesis and/or structure of proteins).

Connective tissues:

These are the tissues of the body that have the purpose of supporting and protecting the other tissues of the body by providing nutrients and eliminating waste. 

Prevalence of Ehlers Danlos

These pathologies are rare but affect about 1 in 5000 people.

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Clinic

The main features that point to Ehlers Danlos syndrome are:

  • Joint hyperlaxity
  • Joint pain
  • Multiple sprains
  • Multiple / recurrent dislocations
  • Scoliosis
  • Hematoma and wound healing disorders
  • Significant fatigability

However, other clinical signs are defined in each subtype of Ehlers Danlos.

Diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos


The diagnosis is first of all guided by the personal anamnesis (questioning) (history, pain, etc.) but also family.

Elimination of other pathologies

The diagnosis is also made by eliminating other bone, muscle and rheumatological pathologies.

Joint hyperlaxity test: Breighton score

Joint hyperlaxity or Generalized Articular Hypermobility (GAH) is detected by the Breighton score.

Breighton score ehlers danlos syndrome
ehlers danlos syndrome osteopath breighton test
ehlers danlos syndrome osteopath breighton test
ehlers danlos syndrome osteopath breighton test
ehlers danlos syndrome osteopath breighton test

Breighton score calculation :


  • / 2 : Elbow extension : positive if greater than 10°.
  • / 2 : Contact of the thumb on the forearm : positive if contact is possible
  • / 2 : Finger extension : positive if greater than 90
  • / 2 : Knee extension : positive if greater than 10°.
  • / 1: Place your hands flat on the ground with your knees straight

The diagnosis of GAG is made when 5 or more out of 9 are scored on the tests.

However, a nuance must be made: a child is more flexible than an adult, so there is an over-diagnosis in children and an under-diagnosis in adults...

Genetic / molecular diagnosis:

Except for the Hypermobile SED type, genetic and molecular analysis allows the diagnosis to be made. 

The different types of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome :

A classification, established in 2017, highlights 17 types of Ehlers Danlos syndromes.

  • AEBP1
  • Fragile Cornea Syndrome: BCS
  • Arthrochalastic SED: SEDa
  • SED Classic: SEDc
  • SED Classic-like: SEDcl
  • Cardio-vascular SED : SEDcv
  • Dermatosparaxial SED: SEDd
  • SED Hypermobile : SEDh
  • Cyphoscoliotic SED: SEDk
  • Myopathic EDS: mEDS
  • Musculocontractural EDS: mECS
  • Periodontal SED : SEDp
  • SED Spondylodysplastic : SEDsp
  • Vascular EDS: vEDS

Treatment and management:

There is no treatment as such for Ehlers Danlos syndromes. 

Treatment consists of preventing skin damage, pain and functional disorders. To do this, multidisciplinary management is currently the only option to support and improve the quality of life of patients. 

Osteopath and Ehlers Danlos syndrome

The goal of osteopathy, again in parallel with other approaches, is to :

  • Remove all dysfunctions that may increase the patient's pain
  • Advise the patient on his lifestyle habits, exercises according to the observed mechanical disorders in order to avoid the recurrence of his problem but also to prevent 

Beware, some osteopathic techniques are contraindicated when treating a patient suffering from Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

The application of kinesiology bands (K-tape, K-taping, etc.) also helps to relieve the patient. Your osteopath can also apply them during the consultation.

Adapted physical activity helps in EDS but here again it is necessary to dose: too much sport will cause damage to the connective tissue and if you don't do enough, the muscles will not do their role as guardian of the joints. 

Do not hesitate to ask your osteopath, physiotherapist, etc. for advice.

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Marie messager osteopath versailles

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