Versailles - 78000

Articles published by Marie Messager - Osteopath Versailles 78000 Yvelines - Page 9

Complete guide to TFL or wiper syndrome

The TFL (Fascia Lata Tension) syndrome, or iliotibial band syndrome, is a knee pathology that affects more than a quarter of athletes, especially runners and bikers.
To cure it, the...

on 17/10/18

Tibial periostitis

Are you experiencing pain in your shin? Does it intensify when you press it? Does it hurt when you walk or run? All of these symptoms can lead to pain.

on 05/10/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Summary

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

3D vector modeling from anatomical sections of Korean Visible Human (KVH): recon...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - References

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves


DS Shin, MS Chung,JS Park et al. Portable Document Format File Showing the Surface Model...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Conclusion

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

The Korean Visible Human (KVH) is a Korean project of 3D modeling of the human body in the...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Discussion

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

This research work on the nerves of the left upper limb and on the roots of the plexus of the...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Results

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

In total, the roots of the brachial plexus (from C5 to T1) as well as 6 nerves of the upper limb ...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Materials and Methods

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

Materials and methods
Selection of the body
The body chosen in our study was selected from all...

on 07/09/18

3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - Introduction

3D vector reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves

Table of Contents
1 Introduction and objectives
1.1 Objectives
1.2 State of the art
1.3 History

on 07/09/18

Why jump rope?

If there are no contraindications, skipping rope is a very interesting sport. Known for being "complete", skipping rope works all the muscles of the body...

on 30/08/18

How to find a good osteopath in Versailles - Yvelines ?

"I'm looking for a good osteopath in Versailles - do you know one? "
I am often asked what are the criteria for finding a good osteopath.
Indeed, there are many osteopaths on the market.

on 18/08/18

Cranial nerve II : the Optic nerve

Presentation of the optic nerve II
The 2nd cranial nerve is the optic nerve. It is a sensory nerve that is responsible for vision.
40mm long, with a diameter of 4mm, the optic nerve is formed ...

Showing articles 97-108 of 124

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