Versailles - 78000


Preventing common sports injuries in Olympic athletes

Preventing sports injuries is a top priority for athletes at all levels, but it's particularly important for athletes who are at high risk of...

on 05/23/24

How to tie your sport shoes?

Feet differ from one person to another, some have wide feet, others thin, others are stronger. And yet we don't tell you how to tie your street shoes...

on 06/20/22

The Russian warm-up: an old method that works to warm up quickly

The warm-up is essential to any physical activity and we have seen why. Unfortunately, it is too often neglected, considered boring. The purpose of this article is therefore to reconcile you with the...

on 7/24/21

Pregnancy and sport

In the last 30 years, the rate of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension and macrosomia of the newborn (size and weight of the baby) has increased.

on 07/05/20

Back pain and sports: what if swimming wasn't so good?

Since almost the dawn of time, we have been hearing that when your back hurts, you should take up swimming and stop running! At the risk of shocking many people, I have the pleasure to tell you that I have...

on 20/01/20

Your osteopath at the Olympiad for Living Together in Versailles

What are the Olympiads for Living Together in Versailles?
Program of the Olympiads for Living Together

The missions of your osteopath on the Olympics in Versailles
Osteopathy, on events...

on 04/23/19

Why jump rope?

If there are no contraindications, skipping rope is a very interesting sport. Known for being "complete", skipping rope works all the muscles of the body...

on 30/08/18

Muscle injuries: hot or cold?

I have a sore muscle, is it necessary to put heat or cold?
It is not always easy to know whether to put heat or cold on a muscle to relieve it. It depends on the type of pain.


How to get rid of tendonitis or tendinopathy?

What is tendinitis or tendinopathy?
Tendinitis or "tendinopathy" means suffering in a tendon. The tendon corresponds to one or several parts of the muscle...

on 06/28/17
9 items

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