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Osteo - Page 3

Osteoarthritis and osteopathy

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease and probably the one that generates the most false beliefs and exaggerations in the collective imagination. It is a bit of a catch-all term.

on 04/19/20

Osteoporosis and osteopathy

What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a pathology that deteriorates the internal structure of the bone. The bone mass is therefore less important, the bone is more fragile and the risk of fractures is higher.

on 04/17/20

Move to age well

Mobilize your cervicals
In this video, you will find simple exercises to do at home to mobilize your cervicals in all parameters:
Flexion / extension Right tilts...

on 04/16/20

The elderly and confinement

In this time of global pandemic of COVID-19, containment has been in place in France since March 15, 2020. Although this virus affects all ages, the elderly have much more ...

on 09/04/20

Arnold's neuralgia and osteopathy

What is Arnold neuralgia?
Arnold's neuralgia is also called neuralgia of the large occipital or Arnoldalgy. This neuralgia corresponds to the attack of the Arnold's nerve (or grafical nerve)...

on 27/01/20

Osgood Schlatter : growing knee pain and osteopathy

What is Osgood Schlatter?
Osgood and Schlatter are the two people who identified this condition and first described it in 1903.
Osgood Schlatter's disease is the most common...

on 30/12/19
Showing 25-30 of 30 articles

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