Versailles - 78000

The elderly and confinement

Older person osteopathic advice confinement

In this time of global pandemic of COVID-19, containment has been in place in France since March 15, 2020. Although this virus affects all ages, the elderly are at much greater risk of complications if infected.

That's why, in this article, we list some tips for the elderly to protect themselves and live their confinement in the best possible conditions:

Do not leave your home

Like all French people, you must limit your outings to what is strictly necessary: medical care that cannot be postponed, essential shopping, etc.

We are well aware that it is very difficult not to go out and stay locked up, cut off from society, but it is only for a short period of time.

Calculate your age, calculate the duration of confinement and do the ratio, you will see that in percentage it is not very high. And the lower this percentage is, the less you have to go out, because it means that you are not twenty years old anymore...

The races

For your groceries, we strongly recommend that you have them delivered or ask your neighbors or family for help. It is true that many people are terrified of this virus but many are not only willing to help but would be happy to do so. Don't hesitate to ask them.

Move regularly

move Older person osteopathic advice

The first pitfall to avoid when you can't go out for a walk is prolonged immobility, so it is essential to move as regularly as possible. For example, you should try to get up every hour to take a few steps at home or in your garden if possible. Regular mobilization of the joints is a powerful tool against ankylosis and the onset of muscular and joint pain. It is also an effective way to stimulate blood circulation and venous return in the lower limbs. Ideally, you should be able to walk for about thirty minutes a day, even if this is not easy in these circumstances.

Have a "physical activity".

In addition to walking and regular whole-body mobilization, even relatively modest physical activity can be very beneficial. Small mobilization and stretching exercises are interesting and easy to implement on a daily basis. You can refer to the section "Moving Well" of this little containment guide, there are also several websites or applications that offer this kind of exercises if you have access to them.

Keeping in touch

The current atmosphere is particularly conducive to stress and anxiety, especially if the news is on a loop in the background. It is essential to try to take your mind off things by reading, relaxing, meditating and especially by regular telephone contact with those around you. Check in with your loved ones and give them news of your own. Contrary to the terminology used, the "distancing" we are asked to do is physical, but it should not be social! Keeping in touch and exchanging with your friends and family will do you a lot of good!

Older person advised by your osteo

Many free technological tools help you and allow you to see and exchange with your loved ones: FaceTime, What's app, Skype, Whereby, Zoom, etc.

If you are alone or isolated, many associations exist to propose regular telephone contacts, their work is important and can help you live this period less difficult.

Moreover, your osteopath is available via the contact form on the website and will be there to answer your questions or your anxieties if necessary.

Take care of your lifestyle

Eat well, move well, sleep well and smile!

Another fundamental point to keep a correct form in these circumstances, the hygiene of life is not limited only to the food (even if this one is fundamental, you have moreover tools to take care of it in the heading "To eat well"), it is also important to take care of your rhythm of life. In concrete terms, this means trying to keep as regular a schedule as possible for getting up, going to bed and eating. This rhythm is an important reference point for the body and contributes to its proper functioning by regulating major body functions (fight against inflammation, efficiency of digestion and transit, quality of sleep, etc.).

Don't forget to smile when you look in the mirror, you are secreting hormones that are good for your morale.

A little pleasure from time to time

elderly people advice from your osteo

However, it is also essential to know how to indulge yourself from time to time, and giving in to the call of a square of chocolate or a meal that is a little out of the ordinary will not hurt you...in any case, if it is less beneficial at the metabolic level, the effect of a little pleasure on your morale will more than compensate for the occasional excess of calories! These calories will be eliminated with physical activity.

Get busy

occupation of the elderly

This time of year should be seen as an opportunity to do all the things you've been putting off: cleaning, knitting, embroidery, sorting, painting, crossword puzzles, cooking, singing, playing music, gardening if you have a garden, etc. There are plenty of activities to do, you don't even have to go out! You can even take online courses, learn a foreign language. This is your chance to take on a new challenge.

Your osteopaths Damien and Marie wish you a good confinement and especially a good health!

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