Versailles - 78000

Move to age well

Mobilize your cervicals

In this video, you will find simple exercises to do at home to mobilize your cervicals in all parameters :

  • Flexion / extension
  • Right and left tilt
  • Right and left rotations

Mobilize your shoulders and upper back

By mobilizing your shoulders, you also mobilize the vertebrae at the top of your body called dorsal or thoracic.

It is important to mobilize the shoulders. Indeed, in everyday life, we only raise our arms a few degrees, we rarely raise our shoulders completely, taking our hands towards the sky. It happens sometimes to catch a good jar of jam for the little children but not enough. However, if we mobilized our shoulders every day we would have no problem to catch that famous jam jar. It is like if a person did a splits every day of his life; at 90 years old he would have no problem to do it again.

In the video below you will find some exercises to do to mobilize your shoulders and upper back:


Mobilize the lower back


Stretch yourself

Stretch the lower limbs

Stretching allows you to maintain joint flexibility and thus be more mobile. By mobilizing, it is a way to protect yourself from arthritis. Here are some examples of exercises that you can adapt according to your physical condition and flexibility. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your osteopath.


Stretch and massage your hands

Hands are very valuable tools. Unfortunately, they are also a source of pain due to the wear and tear of the years. So pamper your hands, massage them, stretch your wrists, pull your fingers. You need to get those little joints moving and they tend to seize up.


Work on your balance

Balance is the basis, it is what allows us to walk. Losing your balance means losing your autonomy. This will cause the person to be apprehensive about walking. 

Working on your balance is therefore vital, don't wait until you can no longer walk, whatever your age, your balance can be improved with simple exercises. Here are some examples of exercises, be careful when doing them, you can also hold on to a wall or a bar. 

Don't hesitate to ask your osteopath or other practitioner for advice on exercises that can be done for you.


Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

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