Versailles - 78000

Pediatric Osteopath

The baby cocoon seen by your osteopath

This cushion was developed by Danielle Salducci, a pediatric physiotherapist. It was originally created to be used in hospitals with premature babies. Mrs. Salducci realized that ...

on 04/29/21

How does a good osteopath work?

In my office, I am often asked how I work, what kind of techniques I use, etc. I answer the patient with this question: do you ask your plumber or craftsman what kind of equipment he uses?

on 13/08/19

The consultation of an osteopath for baby - infant

It is not compulsory to have your baby seen by an osteopath, but when you look at your child, you are amazed and do not realize the little problems he may have.

on 26/03/18

What does your child see?

In utero, what does your baby see?
The child begins to see as of the 7th month of pregnancy. The fetus can thus perceive light.
An experiment was carried out and showed that when a light was put on the ...

on 14/09/17

Flattening of the skull in children

Baby's skull

The skull of the baby is, like the adult skull, composed of different bones divided into two groups: the face and the vault.
The bones of the vault are the frontal, the temporal, the parietal and the...

5 items

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