Versailles - 78000

What does your child see?

vision in babies by pediatric osteopath in Versailles 78

In utero, what does your baby see?

The child begins to see as of the 7th month of pregnancy. The fetus can thus perceive light.
An experiment was conducted and showed that when a light source was placed on the mother's belly, the baby would then direct its gaze towards the light. Sometimes, a baby who is agitated at night, calms down with a little light under the comforter.

The child's view at birth

the infant's vision is 19 cm at birth

According to various studies, newborns can see up to 19 cm. Therefore, your face must be less than 20 cm away if you want your baby to see you. This short range allows him to distinguish the breast, which facilitates breastfeeding.

The amazing thing is that at only 36 hours of life, your baby is able to distinguish 3types of emotions on the face: joy, sadness and stupor. The closer you are to your baby and the bigger the expressions on your face, the more your child will be stimulated. A big smile with your face close to his will therefore tend to reassure him.

joy distinguished by the baby's vision by osteopath in Versailles
at birth baby sees the emotion sadness by osteopath in Versailles
stupor distinguished at birth by baby vision by pediatric osteopath

At 3 months, your baby can see at 60 cm, distinguishes contrasts well but not colors

At 3 months the child distinguishes well the contrasts by pediatric osteopath in Versailles

At 3 months, your child can see up to 60 cm. He distinguishes contrasts well but still does not see colors. Therefore, black and white toys should be preferred to stimulate your child. Your child will be much more absorbed by a contrasting toy than a toy that has many colors in the same tone. If the child can distinguish an object well, he will try to catch it and thus help his neuro-sensory development, if he cannot see it he will develop less. Unfortunately, these toys are less easy to find in the shops, think of the panda...

4 months: yellow, red and relief

At 4 months, your child begins to distinguish colors, especially yellow and red. He also becomes aware of the notion of relief.

marie messager osteopath in versailles presents vision in children at 4 months
vision of the child at 4 months yellow red relief by osteo for baby in versailles
vision of the child at 4 months yellow red relief by osteo for baby 78 yvelines

6 months: 2/10ths

At 6 months, the child sees the equivalent of 2/10ème. He can thus dinstinguish a wire of near and follow its movements.

9 months: 3/10ths

Your child sees 3/10ths at 9 months of age.

Your child's eyesight after 1 year

the view of a child after 1 year by pediatric osteopath in Versailles Chantiers
  • At 1 year : 4/10th
  • At 2 years old: 6/10ths, he can recognize objects at a distance and distinguish colors very well without confusing them.
  • At 4 years old : 10/10th
  • At 14-16 years old: 12/10th or 14/10th. In adolescence, we are at the top of our visual capacities and it is past this age that it decreases. For the luckiest among us, as you get older you will remain at 10/10.

Marie Messager
Osteopath specialized in pediatrics
in Versailles Chantiers
78 - Yvelines

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