Versailles - 78000


Baby's teeth

The first teeth usually appear around 6 months. However, they can appear earlier or later. The appearance of the teeth is a source of many questions for the parents, ...

on 20/04/20

Osgood Schlatter : growing knee pain and osteopathy

What is Osgood Schlatter?
Osgood and Schlatter are the two people who identified this condition and first described it in 1903.
Osgood Schlatter's disease is the most common...

on 30/12/19

Child Development

The Denver scale has been used to establish a reference of the child's development according to 4 items:
Motor skills Language Fine motor skills Social contactThis test is however only an indication of the child's development...

on 16/05/18

What does your child see?

In utero, what does your baby see?
The child begins to see as of the 7th month of pregnancy. The fetus can thus perceive light.
An experiment was carried out and showed that when a light was put on the ...

on 14/09/17

Flattening of the skull in children

Baby's skull

The skull of the baby is, like the adult skull, composed of different bones divided into two groups: the face and the vault.
The bones of the vault are the frontal, the temporal, the parietal and the...

5 items

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Bouldering and osteopathy: Understanding, preventing and treating injuries

When will my baby sleep through the night? A universal question among young parents

How to train ankle proprioception?


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