Versailles - 78000

Osteopath - Page 8

Your osteopath at the Olympiad for Living Together in Versailles

What are the Olympiads for Living Together in Versailles?
Program of the Olympiads for Living Together

The missions of your osteopath on the Olympics in Versailles
Osteopathy, on events...

on 04/23/19

Treating plantar fasciitis or aponeuropathy with osteopathy

Also called plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciitis refers to pain occurring in the plantar fascia. The use of the suffix "ite" is explained by the fact that we think that the...

on 30/01/19

Why jump rope?

If there are no contraindications, skipping rope is a very interesting sport. Known for being "complete", skipping rope works all the muscles of the body...

on 30/08/18

The consultation of an osteopath for baby - infant

It is not compulsory to have your baby seen by an osteopath, but when you look at your child, you are amazed and do not realize the little problems he may have.

on 26/03/18

Osteopath, chiropractor and etiopath: what are the differences?

Definition of osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual method of care based on mobilization and manipulation techniques. By manipulating the body from head to toe...

on 23/08/17
Showing posts 85-89 of 89

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