Versailles - 78000


Achilles tendinopathy and osteopathy

Achilles tendinopathy represents a major clinical challenge and a subject of growing interest in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation...

on 03/25/24

Golf elbow or epitrochleitis and osteopathy

What is golf elbow or epitrochleitis?
Golf elbow, also known as epitrochleitis or medial epicondylitis, is an internal tendinopathy of the elbow. This condition is 5 times less common than other types of...

on 20/03/20

De Quervain's tendonitis and osteopathy

What is De Quervain's tendonitis?
De Quervain's tendonitis, also known as De Quervain's tenosynovitis, was described by the Swiss surgeon Frederic de Quervain in 1895.
The tendon is...

on 18/03/20

Tennis elbow - epicondylitis or elbow tendonitis and osteopathy

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a tendinopathy of the lateral aspect of the elbow. It is the most frequent pathology of the elbow (80% of the cases of tennis elbow).

on 09/12/19

Complete guide to TFL or wiper syndrome

The TFL (Fascia Lata Tension) syndrome, or iliotibial band syndrome, is a knee pathology that affects more than a quarter of athletes, especially runners and bikers.
To cure it, the...

on 17/10/18

Muscle injuries: hot or cold?

I have a sore muscle, is it necessary to put heat or cold?
It is not always easy to know whether to put heat or cold on a muscle to relieve it. It depends on the type of pain.


How to get rid of tendonitis or tendinopathy?

What is tendinitis or tendinopathy?
Tendinitis or "tendinopathy" means suffering in a tendon. The tendon corresponds to one or several parts of the muscle...

on 06/28/17
7 items

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