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5 common questions parents of newborns ask themselves

As an osteopath specializing in pediatrics, I have the incredible good fortune to see many babies and their parents at my practice. During our 45-minute consultations, we have plenty of time to discuss and answer all their concerns. And let me tell you, these questions, while they may seem trivial, are far from silly! So, in this article, I've decided to provide answers with a touch of humor (at least, I've done my best) to the most frequently asked questions. I hope you enjoy these answers as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Dinosaur sounds

baby osteopath versailles

First of all, let me reassure you, dear parents: newborn babies are true artists of the nocturnal symphony! Their ability to produce strange and wonderful noises while they sleep is perfectly normal, and even an encouraging sign of their development.

You see, your little treasure is mastering the art of snoring, chirping, grunting and even hiccupping. It's as if he's taking part in a night-time noise contest without even knowing it!

These sounds may be surprising at first, but they're usually the result of baby's immature airways. As he grows, these air passages develop and the nocturnal melodies gradually soften.

However, if you notice that the noises are accompanied by breathing difficulties, excessive snoring or other signs of discomfort, it's always best to consult a health professional, such as your paediatrician or osteopath. They'll be able to check that all is well and give you advice tailored to your baby.

In the meantime, I invite you to enjoy this unique nocturnal spectacle. Who knows, you might have the privilege of witnessing a real baby performance the next time he goes to bed!

Stool colors:

baby osteopath versailles

Babies' stools can give us the impression of entering a vibrant world of colors and frequencies. Let me reassure you: mustard-yellow poo is perfectly normal and very much in vogue with our little ones.

The mustard-yellow color is in fact a perfectly normal shade for the stools of breast-fed babies. This is due to the presence of pigments from the mother's milk, which give their poo this artistic color. If you're breastfeeding your baby, think of it as a unique signature of your nurturing love.

As for stool frequency, our babies are true masters of timing. They can be as irregular as Swiss clocks without batteries! As long as your baby looks happy and content, and his stools are soft, there's usually nothing to worry about.

However, if you notice very sparse, hard stools, or if your baby seems uncomfortable, it's best to consult a healthcare professional, such as your osteopath. They'll be able to assess the situation thoroughly and help you find solutions to get your baby's bowel movements back on track.

In the meantime, admire your baby's changing color palette and get ready for a new surprise every time you open the diaper. It's a bit like a modern art show, isn't it?

Eye color:

osteopath specialized in babies versailles 78

Ah, the eyes of our dear little ones, those veritable optical gems! It's time to demystify preconceived ideas and explore the fascinating world of babies' eye color.

Contrary to popular belief, not all babies are born with eyes as blue as the sky on a sunny day. In fact, eye color is a mystery that reveals itself over time, like an eye magic show.

Babies are like budding artists, mixing pigments to create unique colors. So it's perfectly normal for your baby's eyes to change hue in the first few months and even years of life. True optical chameleons in the making!

Eye color is influenced by a complex and sometimes surprising genetic ballet. It's not uncommon for blue-eyed babies to gradually transform into green-eyed or brown-eyed adventurers. It's as if the chromatic palette of their irises evolves in harmony with their growing personality.

So don't be surprised if your little treasure gives you a colorful experience. Your baby's eyes are like ever-changing paintings, a symphony of colors in crescendo.

And remember, no matter what color their eyes are, they'll continue to amaze you every day with their loving gaze.


osteopath specialized in babies versailles

Ah, the trembling or wobbling limbs of our adorable little dancers! Don't worry, these movements may seem strange, but they're actually totally normal. Your baby is simply offering us his unique interpretation of the universal rhythm.

These little tremors, often observed when your baby is at rest, are a sign that his nervous system is in full development. Like budding musicians, baby's muscles and nerves can sometimes play their own rhythmic symphony, creating these fascinating tremors.

Imagine attending a contemporary music concert, where baby members are the soloists expressing themselves in their own way. It's as if your child were destined to become the universe's next great conductor!

It's important to know that these tremors usually disappear on their own as your baby grows and his nervous system stabilizes. If you notice any other signs, or if the movements seem excessive, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional, who will be able to assess the situation in detail and give you his or her opinion.

In the meantime, enjoy this unique show and let your baby dance to the rhythm of his own melody. Who knows, maybe one day you'll get to see him perform on stage for the first time!

Too hot or too cold

infant osteopath versailles

Ah, the great enigma of thermoregulation in babies! How do you know whether your little treasure is too hot or too cold? Don't worry, I'll give you a few clues to keep in mind, with a touch of humor to liven things up.

First of all, observe your baby like a weather detective. If he looks like he's sweating like he's running a marathon in sweltering heat, he's probably a little too hot. Imagine him sipping a refreshing cocktail under a palm tree and you'll have an idea of his temperature preference.

On the other hand, if your baby is bundled up like an Eskimo in the Far North, scowling and looking cold, he's probably cold. Imagine him making a snowman with penguins, and you'll have an idea of his tolerance to the cold.

Another subtle but revealing clue is your baby's behavior. If he's restless, irritable and determined to free himself from his diapers or clothes, this could be a sign that he's too hot. On the other hand, if he snuggles up, curls up and looks at you with eyes that say "Wrap me up, I'm cold!", it could be a sign that he needs a little more warmth.

Don't forget to use your super parenting power: touch! Gently place your hand on your baby's tummy. If he's hot and sweaty like a freshly baked pizza, it might be time to cool him down a bit. If he's as cool as a crisp salad, maybe it's time to wrap him in a cozy blanket.

And remember, every baby is unique and has his or her own temperature preferences. So trust your instincts as a weather parent and gradually adjust diapers, clothes and blankets to suit his or her reactions.

Ah, I almost forgot a crucial tip for assessing your baby's temperature: the extremities! Let's take a close look at your little one's hands and feet.

If your baby's hands and feet look like frozen icicles and are a lovely deep purple, he's probably cold.

But if your baby's hands and feet are warm and rosy, like little golden marshmallows over a campfire, this usually indicates a comfortable temperature. It's a sign that your baby feels at ease and ready to explore the world in total serenity.

And remember, as parents, you are the experts on your own baby. You have the power to regulate his thermal comfort with the perfect mix of cozy clothes, warm cuddles and water baths at the ideal temperature.

On that note, I wish you a perfect thermal forecast for your little temperature explorer.

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Marie messager osteopath versailles

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