The herniated disc and osteopathic treatment
Herniated discs affect a large majority of people. You may have suffered from it or know someone who has. However, when you come to my office for a consultation, I often find that you have not been told what it is and what the solutions are. This led me to write this article, allowing you to know everything about herniated discs.
Definition of a hernia
A hernia is when an organ is not in its usual place. This displacement can involve the entire organ or only a part of it via a natural passage. Therefore, this phenomenon can occur in different areas of the body. When we speak of a herniated disc, the problem is located in a disc. Inguinal hernias affect the groin, while hiatal hernias affect the stomach.
Learn more about herniated discs

An intervertebral disc is found between each vertebra. This element absorbs the shocks suffered by our spine as if it were a small cushion.
Sometimes this disc is subjected to certain constraints, causing it to move and thus to overflow from its usual location. This phenomenon is known as disc overflow.
The intervertebral disc is composed of a nucleus. This is the nucleus in the center of the disc. We speak aboutdisc herniation when the nucleus changes place.
In what areas of the body do herniated discs occur?
Herniated discs can occur in any vertebrae. However, they often appear :
- At the cervical level, more precisely between the C6 and C7 as well as the C5 and C6.
- In the lumbar region, more precisely between the sacrum and the5th lumbar, as well as between the4th and5th lumbar.

How to recognize a herniated disc?
As I said, it is possible to have a herniated disc without feeling any pain. This is the case with an asymptomatic herniated disc. If we were to give everyone an MRI or CT scan, we would find that many people have it without any pain and without it being a problem. So if you have a herniated disc, don't panic because it can go away on its own without you even realizing it...
It can also cause pain in the lower back or neck without any other specific symptoms.
Pain only occurs when the herniated disc begins to compress a nerve at the root due to compression of the surrounding structures. In this case, the herniated disc can cause different types of problems:

- sciatica: the herniated disc occurs between the 4th lumbar and the 5th lumbar or between the 5th lumbar and the sacrum. It compresses the roots of the sciatic nerve (L5, S1). The pain is located in the legs and thighs, on the posterior side and can go down to the foot.
- cruralgia: the herniated disc occurs at the level of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae, compressing the crural nerve roots.
- the ponytail syndrome
- cervical brachial neuralgia: the herniated disc compresses nerve roots in the neck and will result in pain occurring in the arms and neck.
- intercostal neuralgia: the herniated disc compresses the nerves in the thorax, causing pain between the ribs.
Other symptoms may also occur when the herniated disc compresses the nerves. This can result in a burning sensation, loss of strength or tingling.
What treatments are available for a herniated disc?
Observe maximum rest
Rest does not mean that you have to lie in bed or sit on your couch all day long. You just have to make sure you don't get too tired and you have to take it easy by not carrying heavy loads that could increase your pain.
But it is necessary to move, even if you are in pain. This precautionary measure prevents you from having muscle atrophy. If this happens, it can make your situation worse. It is also advisable to walk, move and stretch to help drain the inflammation.
Also do exercises to strengthen the muscles in the back. This will effectively stabilize the joint. It is therefore important to strengthen all the muscles in the spine.
Recommended exercises in this case:
- Swimming: Swimming strengthens all the muscles of the body, especially the back muscles. However, it is not advisable to do breaststroke, especially with your head out of the water. Think of doing backstroke and crawl.
- Doing a sit-up: It is important to perform the sit-up correctly. Holding the plank position for too long could cause your lumbar spine to extend. It is therefore important to start gently and to ask for help from a third party to check your correct positioning. You can also do your sleeving in front of a mirror to make sure that your back stays straight. The golden rule is to align your head, buttocks and feet.

3. Cycling: this activity is very beneficial for the cardio system and is a great help for people suffering from most herniated discs. If the herniated disc is posterior, the forward leaning position of the bicycle will relieve the herniation.
4. Do the elliptical: For lovers of running, the elliptical is an excellent alternative, it allows you to perform the movements of running without the traumatic effect of it. Moreover, the work of the arms, allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back and in particular the large dorsal muscle, which will strengthen your back by the same occasion.
Medications to take
In 90% of cases, herniated discs do not require surgery. Medications, prescribed by your doctor, can help relieve severe pain, although they do not make herniated discs disappear. These include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesics
- Muscle relaxants
If pain persists despite medication, corticosteroids are applied locally to the painful areas. This procedure is only done in a hospital setting.
The surgical intervention
In 10% of cases of herniated discs, surgery is necessary. In these cases, the pain is too intense or there is a significant loss of strength due to the compression of the nerve roots. The operation is also necessary when the herniated discs affect a child. The purpose of this operation is to scrape away the part that is protruding and compressing the nerve root.

Osteopathy is not able to remove your herniated disc, but it can alleviate your pain. By working around the area, your osteopath aims to treat any tension that is added to your already herniated vertebrae. He or she will also treat the repercussions that this may have caused on the rest of the body.
With the exception of paralyzing sciatica, osteopathic treatment is not at all contraindicated. However, certain manipulations are contraindicated and your osteopath will select from his panel of techniques those adapted to your pathologies and your profile.
In case of doubt or in order to optimize your treatment, your osteopath will refer you to your doctor for additional examinations or so that you can benefit from medication and/or physiotherapy sessions.