Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that groups together a set of functional signs located on the path of the median nerve. This pathology is linked to the compression of the median nerve by the retinaculum of the flexor muscles, i.e. the large elastic band that passes over the wrist. This last one, by dint of solicitations, can become less flexible and compress the median nerve. Thus, like a compressed electrical cable, the nerve will produce signals that cause the symptoms.

Who is affected by carpal tunnel?
11% of women versus 3.5% of men suffer from carpal tunnel.
It is the most known pathology found at work and therefore the main Musculoskeletal Disorder encountered.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tingling
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Electrical discharges
- Sleeping hand
- Loss of strength on index thumb movement, dropping a bag or glass
- Amyotrophy (loss of muscle mass) of the thenar eminence
- Night time pain
8 tips to limit your carpal tunnel pain
1. Lift the cause

When the cause is detectable, it is necessary to remove it. Indeed, there are 27 bones in the hand and each joint can be a source of blockage or traction likely to increase the compression of the median nerve by the retinaculum of the flexor muscles.
Your osteopath will test the different structures of your hand and forearm and will treat the dysfunctions that may be causing the problem.
Be careful, a carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by many diseases, it is imperative to talk to your doctor. He will do the necessary complementary exams to investigate your pathology.
2. Stretch the retinaculum
To limit the symptomatology, it is necessary to decompress the median nerve and thus stretch the retinaculum of the flexor muscles. This only takes a few minutes a day but will do you a world of good.
Simply moving your hand away completely will help.

3. Massage the area
For the same reasons, the retinaculum should be massaged to relax and soften it. So massage, massage hard. Ask your partner to massage your hand, you'll see it's very nice!

4. Use arnica
The anti-inflammatory virtues of arnica help to drain the inflammation in a natural way and thus decompress the median nerve. Indeed, when the latter is stuck, inflammation will be generated, which will further increase the compression of this nerve. Do not hesitate to use gels that combine cold and arnica.
5. Use essential oils
- The essential oil of peppermint is recognized by the World Health Organization to fight against the pain of neuralgia as well as rheumatism and muscle pain. Use it to massage your hand.
- The essential oil of Gaultheria couchée (4 drops) is to be used with vegetable oil of arnica (3 drops) and St. John's wort (5 drops) to massage the hand, the wrist and the forearm.
Beware, pregnant or breastfeeding women who suffer from carpal tunnel should not use essential oils (for lack of studies)!
6. The application of kinesio taping

Thanks to their draining and decompressing effect, these bands will drain the inflammation, stretch the retinaculum and can also have an effect on the nerve. Applied by physiotherapists, sports doctors or osteopaths, these bands are very effective.
7. Avoid bending your fingers
Much easier said than done! The retinacum of the flexor muscles is, as its name indicates, a sheath that surrounds the muscles that allow the flexing of the fingers. So, the more they are used, the tighter this membrane will be. But basically at work, it is better to stretch your wrist and fingers than to squeeze a stress ball...
8. In your company, call on the services of an ergonomist
To limit carpal tunnel tensions, many objects exist such as wrist rests or ergonomic mice. They bring a lot of comfort, don't hesitate to ask your boss to invest (some things are really cheap), or even ask an ergonomist to optimize your workstation.

In some cases, the damage is too severe, these tips can relieve you but not enough. Surgery, after examination, will remain the best treatment. In some cases, the surgeon will cut the retinaculum to leave more room for the median nerve.
Marie Messager
Osteopath in Versailles Chantiers
78 - Yvelines