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Pathologies and osteopathy - Page 3

What is the Muller-Weiss syndrome that affects Rafael Nadal's foot?

Although quite rare, this syndrome has recently increased its popularity following the recent diagnosis of the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal. We hope that this pathology will not be a problem in the future.

on 8/21/21

Dupuytren's disease and osteopathy

What is Dupuytren's disease?

Dupuytren's disease, described in the 1830s, corresponds to an abnormal fibrous thickening (called fibrosis) associated with a retraction of the skin.

on 18/08/21

Cruralgia and osteopathy

What is cruralgia?

Cruralgia is pain along the crural nerve. This nerve is also called femoral nerve.
Here is on the yellow card, the anatomical description of the crural nerve.

on 18/06/21

Osteopathy and colic in children

What is colic in children?
A real pet peeve of parents, nearly 40% of babies suffer from it. The colic appears a few days after the birth and fades away...

on 04/18/21

Osteopathy and multiple sclerosis

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that evolves by relapses, it is said to be progressive. This pathology represents an inflammatory disease of the brain.

on 04/13/21

Cervical Brachial Neuralgia (CBN) and osteopathy

What is Cervical Brachial Neuralgia or CBN?
Cervical Brachial Neuralgia (CBN) is also called "arm sciatica". 5 times less frequent than sciatica, this pathology is a common cause of pain.

on 26/04/20

Knee sprain and osteopathy

What is a knee sprain?
A knee sprain is a damage to one or more ligaments of the knee. The ligament or ligaments can be stretched beyond their physical barrier.

on 03/24/20

Golf elbow or epitrochleitis and osteopathy

What is golf elbow or epitrochleitis?
Golf elbow, also known as epitrochleitis or medial epicondylitis, is an internal tendinopathy of the elbow. This condition is 5 times less common than other types of...

on 20/03/20

De Quervain's tendonitis and osteopathy

What is De Quervain's tendonitis?
De Quervain's tendonitis, also known as De Quervain's tenosynovitis, was described by the Swiss surgeon Frederic de Quervain in 1895.
The tendon is...

on 18/03/20

Hallux valgus and osteopathy

What is hallux valgus?

Hallux valgus or "bunion" is a deformity, a lateral deviation of the big toe (called hallux) of the foot in relation to the first metatarsal. It is characterized by a...

on 11/02/20

Arnold's neuralgia and osteopathy

What is Arnold neuralgia?
Arnold's neuralgia is also called neuralgia of the large occipital or Arnoldalgy. This neuralgia corresponds to the attack of the Arnold's nerve (or grafical nerve)...

on 27/01/20

Intercostal neuralgia and osteopathy

What is intercostal neuralgia?
Intercostal neuralgia corresponds to intercostal pain, located in the thorax and linked to the suffering of an intercostal nerve, i.e. the nerve of the...

on 23/01/20
Showing articles 25-36 of 48

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