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Take care of your scars! Advice from your osteopath

Scars are visible marks of our bodily history. They can be the result of trauma (accidents, burns) or various surgical interventions such as Caesarean section, a common procedure used for childbirth.

While these scars may seem merely aesthetic, they can also cause functional problems and affect a person's overall health.

In this article, we'll explore the management of scars, particularly caesarean and episiotomy scars. We'll also look at other therapeutic approaches to help restore mobility and improve body tissues, thus enhancing patients' overall well-being.

Osteopathic treatment of scars

Osteopaths are health professionals who use manual techniques to assess, diagnose and treat disorders of the human body. When it comes to scars, the osteopathic approach focuses on restoring tissue and joint mobility around the scarred area.

Here are some techniques commonly used in osteopathy to treat scars:

  1. Mobilization of scar tissue: The osteopath applies gentle, precise pressure on the scar to improve blood circulation, reduce adhesions and promote better tissue elasticity.

  2. Whole-body management: Osteopaths take the whole body into account when managing C-section scars. They work to restore overall balance by taking into account the interactions between different parts of the body, including joints, muscles and connective tissues. A scar is a bit like a piece of tissue that you pinch or pull with your fingers, and the tension you feel will not only be in the area of your fingers, but also at a distance. So it's important to treat the patient as a whole.

  3. Kinesiotaping: kinesiotaping bands are used to complement manual therapies and prolong the effect of these treatments. They are glued to the skin to create a slight lift. Kept on for 5 days, their purpose is to micro-massage the area and provide proprioceptive feedback to the brain. By lifting the skin, they also have a drainage effect. which are kept on the skin for 5 days.

Other therapeutic approaches for scars

In addition to osteopathy, there are other therapeutic approaches that can complement the management of scars, particularly C-section scars. Here are some of these approaches:

Laser therapy

laser scar

Laser therapy can be used to stimulate scar healing by promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. It can help improve aesthetic appearance and reduce the pain associated with scars.

TECAR therapy

Tecar therapy is an innovative therapeutic approach that can be beneficial in the management of scars. This technique uses an electromagnetic wave device to stimulate deep tissues and promote their regeneration. In the context of scars, tecar therapy can help improve local vascularization, increase collagen production and reduce tissue adhesion.

One of the main applications of tecar therapy in scar treatment is its effect on vascularization. The electromagnetic waves generated by the device increase blood flow to the treated area, promoting scar tissue nutrition and repair. This can help speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of complications such as hypertrophic scars.

In addition, tecar therapy stimulates the production of collagen, a protein essential for healing. By activating biochemical processes in cells, tecar therapy promotes collagen synthesis, which can help strengthen scar tissue and improve its quality. This can result in a more aesthetically pleasing scar and greater resistance to tension and movement.

Finally, tecar therapy can also help reduce tissue adhesions, which are often responsible for pain and restricted movement. The electromagnetic waves used in tecar therapy have a thermal effect, which can help to relax scar tissue and make it more supple. This helps to prevent or reduce adhesions, promoting greater functionality and comfort for patients.

Scar tissue massage

massage a scar osteopathic advice versailles

Gentle, targeted massage of scar tissue can help soften scars, reduce adhesions and improve blood circulation. Massage can also provide relief from pain or discomfort associated with scars. Massages can be performed by professionals such as physiotherapists, or directly by the patient.

Tips for massaging your scar:

Scar massage can be performed by following these key steps:

  • First of all, wait until your scar has closed and healed.
  • Preparation: Make sure your hands are clean before starting the massage. Use a suitable massage cream or oil to facilitate fluid movements and reduce excessive friction on scarred skin.
  • Heating: Apply light pressure and gentle circular movements around the scar to warm the surrounding tissue. This improves blood circulation and softens scar tissue.
  • Scar massage: Use gentle, even linear movements directly on the scar itself. You can massage in any direction and even place your fingers on either side of the scar and gently spread them apart. The aim is to soften the scar tissue and reduce adhesions, but it shouldn't hurt. It's not pleasant, but don't hurt yourself.
  • Friction and rolling techniques: For older, hard scars, you can use gentle friction techniques to break up adhesions and improve suppleness. This involves making circular or zigzag movements with light to moderate pressure. You can also take the scar in a thumb-index pinch, lift and roll (a bit like local palpating and rolling).

Conclusion: take care of your scars!

The management of Caesarean scars is essential to the overall health and well-being of anyone who has undergone surgery such as a Caesarean section. Osteopathy offers a holistic, non-invasive approach to help restore tissue and joint mobility around scars. Complementing this, other therapeutic approaches such as laser therapy, scar tissue massage and shockwave therapy can also play a role in improving scars, particularly from Caesarean sections. It is advisable to consult a qualified healthcare professional to discuss the various treatment options and find the best therapeutic approach for each individual case.

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O
2 rue Alexis de Tocqueville
78000 Versailles

Marie messager osteopath versailles

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