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Osteopath versailles - Page 5

Tibial periostitis

Are you experiencing pain in your shin? Does it intensify when you press it? Does it hurt when you walk or run? All of these symptoms can lead to pain.

on 05/10/18

Why jump rope?

If there are no contraindications, skipping rope is a very interesting sport. Known for being "complete", skipping rope works all the muscles of the body...

on 30/08/18

Child Development

The Denver scale has been used to establish a reference of the child's development according to 4 items:
Motor skills Language Fine motor skills Social contactThis test is however only an indication of the child's development...

on 16/05/18

Runners : Become even better with osteopathy

With the industrialization of our society, physical activity in our daily lives has become increasingly rare. Now, we can be everywhere, all the time, without even having to move from one place to another.


The consultation of an osteopath for baby - infant

It is not compulsory to have your baby seen by an osteopath, but when you look at your child, you are amazed and do not realize the little problems he may have.

on 26/03/18

Hamstring muscle pathologies

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles
The hamstring muscles consist of 3 muscles:
Semi-tendinous Biceps crural Semi-membranous
Origin: it is inserted on the ischial tuberosity of the...


Hip abductor muscles

Abduction is a movement in which the thigh moves away from the axis of the body. When the fixed point is reversed, it is an elevation of the pelvis on the opposite side.
The movement is done in the opposite direction.

on 01/12/17

The functional column of the thumb

Osteology of the thumb column
The hand articulates with the distal part of the radius and ulna.
The thumb column includes the scaphoid bone, the trapezium, the 1st metacarpal and the 2 phalanges of the thumb.

on 01/12/17

What does your child see?

In utero, what does your baby see?
The child begins to see as of the 7th month of pregnancy. The fetus can thus perceive light.
An experiment was carried out and showed that when a light was put on the ...

on 14/09/17

Tips to apply when you have lumbago

Lumbago or lumbalgia are two words that mean "pain in the lumbar region" ("algie" meaning pain and "lomb" referring to the lumbar region). Thus, to have a lumbago is to have pain in the back.

on 08/09/17

Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that groups together a series of functional signs located on the path of the median nerve. This pathology is called carpal tunnel...

on 29/08/17

Osteopath, chiropractor and etiopath: what are the differences?

Definition of osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual method of care based on mobilization and manipulation techniques. By manipulating the body from head to toe...

on 23/08/17
Showing articles 49-60 of 63

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