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Blog - Page 14

The functional column of the thumb

Osteology of the thumb column
The hand articulates with the distal part of the radius and ulna.
The thumb column includes the scaphoid bone, the trapezium, the 1st metacarpal and the 2 phalanges of the thumb.

on 01/12/17

Hip abductor muscles

Abduction is a movement in which the thigh moves away from the axis of the body. When the fixed point is reversed, it is an elevation of the pelvis on the opposite side.
The movement is done in the opposite direction.

on 01/12/17

What does your child see?

In utero, what does your baby see?
The child begins to see as of the 7th month of pregnancy. The fetus can thus perceive light.
An experiment was carried out and showed that when a light was put on the ...

on 14/09/17

Tips to apply when you have lumbago

Lumbago or lumbalgia are two words that mean "pain in the lumbar region" ("algie" meaning pain and "lomb" referring to the lumbar region). Thus, to have a lumbago is to have pain in the back.

on 08/09/17

Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that groups together a series of functional signs located on the path of the median nerve. This pathology is called carpal tunnel...

on 29/08/17

Osteopath, chiropractor and etiopath: what are the differences?

Definition of osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual method of care based on mobilization and manipulation techniques. By manipulating the body from head to toe...

on 23/08/17

Flattening of the skull in children

Baby's skull

The skull of the baby is, like the adult skull, composed of different bones divided into two groups: the face and the vault.
The bones of the vault are the frontal, the temporal, the parietal and the...


Muscle injuries: hot or cold?

I have a sore muscle, is it necessary to put heat or cold?
It is not always easy to know whether to put heat or cold on a muscle to relieve it. It depends on the type of pain.


How to get rid of tendonitis or tendinopathy?

What is tendinitis or tendinopathy?
Tendinitis or "tendinopathy" means suffering in a tendon. The tendon corresponds to one or several parts of the muscle...

on 06/28/17
Displaying 157-165 of 165 items

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Infertility and osteopathy

Singing and osteopathy

Saxophone and osteopathy


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