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3D modeling of the nerves of the left upper limb - References

3D Vector Reconstruction of
Korean Visible Human
Left Upper Extremity Nerves



  1. DS Shin, MS Chung,JS Park et al. Portable Document Format File Showing the Surface Models of Cadaver Whole Body. J Korean Med Sci 2012; 27: 849-856.


  1. MJ Ackerman. The Visible Human Project: a resource for education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.1999; 74(6):667-670.
  2. JS Park, MS Chung, SB Hwang, et al. Visible Korean Human:improved serially sectioned images of the entire body. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2005;24:352-360.
  3. JX Dai, MS Chung, RM Qu, et al. The Visible Human Projects in Korea and China with improved images and diverse applications. J. Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 34:527-534.
  4. JS Park, MS Chung, et al. Visible Korean Human: its techniques and applications. Clin Anat 2006;19:216-224.
  5. JF Uhl, V Delmas, JS Park, MS Chung. 3D reconstruction of the male urogenital system from "Korean Visible Human" anatomical sections. Morphology. 2006; 90(289): 105-106.
  6. DS Shin, JS Part, et al. Surface models of the male urogenital organs built from the Visible Korean using popular software. Anat Cell Biol 2011;44:151-159.
  7. DS Shin, JS Park et al. Surface Model of the Gastrointestinal Tract Constructed From the Visible Korean. Clinical Anatomy. 2009; 22:601-609.
  8. DS shin, MS Chung et al.Advanced Surface Reconstruction Technique to Build Detailed Surface Models of the Liver and Neighboring Structures from the Visible Korean Human. J Korean Med Sci. 2009; 24: 375-83.
  9. DS Shin, MS Chung et al. Three-dimensional surface models of detailed lumbosacral structures reconstructed from the Visible Korean. Annals of Anatomy . 2011;193:64-70.
  10. HG Jang, MS Chung et al. Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction of the Detailed Ear Structures, Identified in Sectioned Images. The Anatomical Record. 2011; 294:559-564.
  11. JS Park, MS Chung et al. Segmentation of Cerebral Gyri in the Sectioned Images by Referring to Volume Model. J Korean Med Sci . 2010; 25: 1710-1715.
  12. DS Shin, MS Chung et al. Systematized Methods of Surface Reconstruction From the Serial Sectioned Images of a Cadaver Head. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2012;23(1):190-194.


  1. JS Park, MS Chung et al. A Proposal of New Reference System for the Standard Axial, Sagittal,Coronal Planes of Brain Based on the Serially-Sectioned Images. J Korean Med Sci 2010; 25: 135-41.
  2. DS Shin, MS Chung et al. Browsing Software of the Visible Korean Data Used for Teaching Sectional Anatomy.Anat Sci Educ. 2011; 4:327-332.
  3. DS shin, MS Chung et al. Portable Document Format File Showing the Surface Models of Cadaver Whole Body. J Korean Med Sci 2012; 27: 849-856.



Marie Messager
Osteopath in Versailles
78 - Yvelines

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