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Treating plantar fasciitis or aponeuropathy with osteopathy

Also called plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciitis refers to pain occurring in the plantar fascia. The use of the suffix "ite" is explained by the fact that it was thought to be an inflammation. Recent studies have shown that no inflammatory cells are present in this condition. In reality, plantar fasciitis corresponds to a reorganization of the fibers, caused by a set of factors, which form the plantar fascia: we speak ofAPONEVROPATHY. This discovery is of capital importance because it allowed to completely change the management of the patient, starting with the stopping of anti-inflammatory drugs!

Definition of the plantar fascia

It is a fibrous layer composed of connective tissue that is located on the plantar surface of the foot and includes three bundles: a central, a lateral and a medial one. The aponeurosis has several functions:

  • Stabilization and balance.
  • Amortization.
  • Propulsion.
  • Support. With its certain rigidity, these fibers aim to maintain the medial arch of the foot by absorbing the shocks with each step.

The different treatments for plantar fasciitis

Going to the osteopath

aponevropathy plantar aponevrositis osteo sport versailles 78 Yvelines

The osteopath is able to diagnose the causes of plantar fasciitis. This allows him to proceed with the appropriate treatment to cure the pathology. He also treats its various impacts on the body. Indeed, the feet are considered as the base of the body like a pyramid. It is therefore necessary to take care of the base to prevent the top from collapsing.

There are many causes of aponeuropathy. It can be a blockage in the knees, the ankle and the feet themselves, or bad solicitations. The osteopath will then treat all the imbalances to allow the body to function in perfect harmony.

The osteopath will also provide you with advice to help you relieve the pain caused by this pathology as soon as possible and resume your activities quickly.

Performing massages

When pain appears, you should massage your feet even if it is sensitive. You should only focus on the fact that this action will give you relief.


You can choose between different massage techniques:

  • Take a hard ball and place it under your foot, rolling it back and forth. The ones with relief will optimize the effects of this massage. I consider this technique to be the most practical and easiest to perform. You just have to balance your weight on the ball.
  • You can also take your foot in your hand and massage it with your thumb. You need to press very hard to give a deep massage. This technique is effective, but it is also tiring.
  • Deep massage can also be performed by professionals such as physiotherapists. Massage will certainly be more effective, but the important thing in cases of plantar fasciitis is to do some regularly, so think about self-massage in addition to physical therapy sessions.

Perform a clinical examination in podiatry

The morphology of your foot can also be the cause of plantar fasciitis. This pathology concerns those who have hollow feet or flat feet. It can also be caused by wearing unsuitable shoes, creating additional tension on your arches.

By establishing an assessment, your podiatrist can detect the various static disorders of your feet. He or she can then recommend the use of orthopedic inserts to relieve pain if necessary, a change of shoes or simple exercises to strengthen your foot.

Proceed to the muscular strengthening of the foot

When there is a problem with a joint, the remedy is to strengthen the muscles around it to stabilize it. This advice is also valid for the feet! The muscles stabilize the arches and reduce the strain on the plantar fascia when you walk.

To build hand strength, we hold a ball and squeeze it hard. However, it is not easy to catch and hold objects with the feet. In this case, the same process as for the hand should be applied, but with some resistance: the "toe run" is a good exercise. 


You need to lift your toes as you walk. You must then hook your feet on the ground as if you intend to slide. You can do this by alternating each foot or on both feet simultaneously.

I personally recommend alternating the exercise to limit the risk of asymmetry. Also note that it is easier to slide with socks on.

A similar exercise is possible: place a towel on the floor, place your foot on one of the corners of the towel and with your foot, using the same claw system, hook the fabric to bring the opposite corner towards you.

Find in the video below, several simple exercises to strengthen your foot.


Going to the physiotherapist

Physiotherapy sessions are recommended for those who suffer from this condition. The physiotherapist performs various treatments such as shock waves or massage. 

Proceed with K-taping and/or Strapping


In the event of an acute crisis, the application of strapping allows the feet to be supported and does not strain the plantar fascia. As for kinesio-taping, it supplements the aponeurosis while promoting drainage. Your osteopath, trained in kinesiotaping, will offer you a customized treatment according to your activity, your pain and the condition of your foot.


The best way to treat plantar fasciitis is through multidisciplinary care. Several factors have an influence on your body such as your diet, your massages or your shoes. Plantar fasciitis should be considered as a symptom indicating that not only your feet but also your body is suffering. 

Marie Messager
Osteopath in Versailles
78 - Yvelines

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