Versailles - 78000

Articles published by Marie Messager - Osteopath Versailles 78000 Yvelines - Page 2

Why consult an osteopath after breast surgery?

Breast surgery, whether performed for medical reasons such as breast cancer treatment or for cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, is a...

on 05/13/24

Optimizing performance and recovery in Olympic athletes: The key role of osteopathy

At the heart of humanity lies a spirit of competition and a relentless quest for excellence, emblematically embodied by the Olympic Games. This ...

on 03/25/24

Achilles tendinopathy and osteopathy

Achilles tendinopathy represents a major clinical challenge and a subject of growing interest in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation...

on 03/25/24

Freinotomy: Between science and fashion, choose a professional balance

Braqueotomy, the surgical procedure used to cut the tongue's frenulum, has become part of a growing trend, oscillating between the need...

le 04/02/24

Tennis leg and osteopathy

The tennis leg is characterized by the detachment of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (previously known as the medial gastrocnemius) from its common insertion a...

le 19/01/24

The well-being of managers and employees: part 3 - Environment

The environment
The last big point is the environment.
I've summarized it in 2 parts, but of course it's far from exhaustive:
Light therapy The env...

le 16/01/24

The well-being of managers and employees: part 2 - Spirit

The mind
The second big part of the path to a happy, fit leader or employee is the mind.
Admittedly, they are closely ...

le 15/01/24

The well-being of managers and employees: part 1 - body

Welcome to the training course on the well-being of managers and employees.
I'm going to introduce you to the three key points you need to master to ensure ...

le 15/01/24

Why consult an osteopath after giving birth?

Childbirth is a wonderful event that brings many joys, but it is above all a powerful moment that can be the source of many traumas...

le 15/01/24

5 arguments for a visit to the osteopath before the Christmas festivities

As Christmas approaches, the festivities and preparations can sometimes overshadow the importance of looking after your health. Planning a visit to the osteopath in...

le 21/12/23

Why can your osteopath help you after a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is a difficult experience, both emotionally and physically. During this delicate period, it is crucial to take care of yourself and your baby...

on 12/15/23

Chopart's sprain and osteopathy

Chopart's sprain is an injury to the Chopart's joint complex in the foot, often underestimated and misdiagnosed. Studies have shown that sprains are...

le 11/12/23
Displaying 13-24 of 137 articles

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