Versailles - 78000

Articles published by Marie Messager - Osteopath Versailles 78000 Yvelines - Page 11

Osteopath, chiropractor and etiopath: what are the differences?

Definition of osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual method of care based on mobilization and manipulation techniques. By manipulating the body from head to toe...

on 23/08/17

Flattening of the skull in children

Baby's skull

The skull of the baby is, like the adult skull, composed of different bones divided into two groups: the face and the vault.
The bones of the vault are the frontal, the temporal, the parietal and the...


Muscle injuries: hot or cold?

I have a sore muscle, is it necessary to put heat or cold?
It is not always easy to know whether to put heat or cold on a muscle to relieve it. It depends on the type of pain.


How to get rid of tendonitis or tendinopathy?

What is tendinitis or tendinopathy?
Tendinitis or "tendinopathy" means suffering in a tendon. The tendon corresponds to one or several parts of the muscle...

on 06/28/17
Showing articles 121-124 of 124

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Optimizing performance and recovery in Olympic athletes: The key role of osteopathy

Achilles tendinopathy and osteopathy

Digestive disorders in infants


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