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Blog - Page 7

The benefits of osteopathy for pregnant women

Why consult an osteopath during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the reasons for consulting an osteopath are numerous and varied. We have listed in this article the specific problems of women during pregnancy.

on 04/02/22

Baby's sleep

Did you know that?
47% of French parents complain about the sleep of their child aged 16-18 months!
Study by Stork, 2000

Baby's sleep is one of the concerns of parents. The arrival of...

on 21/12/21

All about the swiss ball (or pregnancy ball)

It's hard not to notice this big ball of different colors that we see in exercises for pregnant women, in companies and even in your osteopath's office.
But what does it ...

on 03/10/21

What is the Muller-Weiss syndrome that affects Rafael Nadal's foot?

Although quite rare, this syndrome has recently increased its popularity following the recent diagnosis of the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal. We hope that this pathology will not be a problem in the future.

on 8/21/21

Dupuytren's disease and osteopathy

What is Dupuytren's disease?

Dupuytren's disease, described in the 1830s, corresponds to an abnormal fibrous thickening (called fibrosis) associated with a retraction of the skin.

on 18/08/21

The Russian warm-up: an old method that works to warm up quickly

The warm-up is essential to any physical activity and we have seen why. Unfortunately, it is too often neglected, considered boring. The purpose of this article is therefore to reconcile you with the...

on 7/24/21

Cruralgia and osteopathy

What is cruralgia?

Cruralgia is pain along the crural nerve. This nerve is also called femoral nerve.
Here is on the yellow card, the anatomical description of the crural nerve.

on 18/06/21

Heel spur and osteopathy

Do you feel like you have a spike under your foot? Do you have difficulty putting your heel down when you walk? Are you familiar with heel spurs?
What is a heel spur?
Heel spur is a...

on 15/06/21

Concussion and sport

In order to properly evaluate a concussion, several elements must be respected:
Medical Examination: Anamnesis Neurological Examination Orthopedic Examination of the Cervical Spine Status ...

on 14/06/21

The baby cocoon seen by your osteopath

This cushion was developed by Danielle Salducci, a pediatric physiotherapist. It was originally created to be used in hospitals with premature babies. Mrs. Salducci realized that ...

on 04/29/21

Osteopathy and colic in children

What is colic in children?
A real pet peeve of parents, nearly 40% of babies suffer from it. The colic appears a few days after the birth and fades away...

on 04/18/21

Presentation of Damien Fabre, osteopath in Versailles

The origins of Damien Fabre
Originally from Versailles, where he completed his entire schooling up to the baccalaureate, Damien Fabre went on to study at CEESO Paris, which has since become the ...

on 04/13/21
Showing articles 73-84 of 169

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