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Blog - Page 6

Algoneurodystrophy or SRDC and osteopathy

What is CRPS aka algoneurodystrophy?
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as algoneurodystrophy, is characterized by one or more joint regions of the...

on 06/12/22

Otitis and osteopathy

Localized pain in the ears often originates from an inflammation (sometimes itself a consequence of an infection) of the ear. Rather frequent in the small children and in those who are not...

on 23/09/22

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and osteopathy

Did you know?
1 woman in 10 suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome
It is the 1st cause of female infertility
What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?
The name polycystic ovary syndrome is...

on 23/09/22

Ehlers Danlos syndrome and osteopathy

What is Ehlers Danlos syndrome?
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is an inherited disorder that affects connective tissue.
They are characterized by 3 main signs...

on 06/28/22

Why shouldn't you sit a baby down?

You thought it was a good idea to "stimulate" your child by training him to sit or even stand. And yes, that's what the older generation did too...
And if I tell you...

on 06/27/22

How to tie your sport shoes?

Feet differ from one person to another, some have wide feet, others thin, others are stronger. And yet we don't tell you how to tie your street shoes...

on 06/20/22

How does running protect your back?

We regularly hear from people around us that running strains the back and creates too many injuries for the body. Until now, you didn't know what to say, but thanks to the...

on 23/03/22

What is a fracture?

Bone is an extremely strong structure with a very complex architecture. To give you an idea, it takes a force of 1000 kg per cm3 to break a bone. It is therefore very resistant...

on 09/02/22

The benefits of osteopathy for pregnant women

Why consult an osteopath during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the reasons for consulting an osteopath are numerous and varied. We have listed in this article the specific problems of women during pregnancy.

on 04/02/22

Baby's sleep

Did you know that?
47% of French parents complain about the sleep of their child aged 16-18 months!
Study by Stork, 2000

Baby's sleep is one of the concerns of parents. The arrival of...

on 21/12/21

All about the swiss ball (or pregnancy ball)

It's hard not to notice this big ball of different colors that we see in exercises for pregnant women, in companies and even in your osteopath's office.
But what does it ...

on 03/10/21

What is the Muller-Weiss syndrome that affects Rafael Nadal's foot?

Although quite rare, this syndrome has recently increased its popularity following the recent diagnosis of the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal. We hope that this pathology will not be a problem in the future.

on 8/21/21
Showing articles 61-72 of 165

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Infertility and osteopathy

Singing and osteopathy

Saxophone and osteopathy


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