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The importance of two minutes of bodyweight training every day

Le gainage ! Many people don't like it, me first; and yet it is a very complete exercise, very effective and above all not very time consuming. 

This exercise is essential for many people: the high level athlete, the chronic low back pain sufferer, those who want to be a little more "fit", etc. There are many motivations for practicing bodyweight training on a daily basis.

For a good result, your sheathing must be perfectly aligned, that is to say, in all your positions you must align head - buttocks - foot. Face the mirror to check your position or ask someone to help you.

This exercise is suitable for all anatomies, as long as your health and physical condition allow it. Below, we tell you about the many benefits of regular weight training.

What does weight training do for your body?

A flat stomach: disappearance of abdominal fat

Gainage - Abdominal fat removal - Flat stomach

Thanks to body shaping, the fat in the body will go away more quickly. It's not that weight training makes you lose weight, but it does firm up your body, especially your abdominal area and love handles. In fact, you will burn more fat from your buttocks and stomach, so do some crunches and remember to tighten your buttocks and abdominals to hold the position and maximize its effectiveness. 

A better posture thanks to the sheathing

When we practice the gainage, the muscles will become stronger. With strong muscles, the body gains a good posture. In theory, our muscles are the pillars of the joints, when they are strengthened, our whole body is stabilized.

As the muscles replace the joints, there is less osteoarticular pain.

I therefore encourage you to make a routine of this exercise to have a body in excellent shape and thus avoid many mechanical problems such as lumbago, neck pain, etc.

The gainage improves the posture

Good stability

Body shaping improves balance

Regularly practicing bodyweight training strengthens all the muscles of the body. This type of exercise not only allows you to have a good posture, but also brings stability and balance to your body. Very quickly, you will notice the change in your daily life.

Balance is something essential in life because without it we cannot move. Maintaining it is essential! Many people of a certain age do not dare to go out, to walk and simply stay at home because their balance is too precarious and they are afraid to fall. So, even if you are only 30 years old, maintain your balance and practice it.

More strength

One of the many benefits of bodybuilding is the balance of the body and an increase in muscle strength that will spread through other parts of the body. In fact, sleeving strengthens the muscles of the body and thus increases their strength and resistance.

Do you know that after 40 years, we lose 5% of muscle mass every 10 years! So, if you are over 40, girdle yourself, contract your muscles to avoid this muscle loss. And if you are under 40, it's time to build muscle to capitalize on your muscles later!

A good anti-stress

The practice of physical activity favors the evacuation of stress. This includes sheathing. More explicitly, by practicing this exercise, you take care of yourself. In addition, when you move, the body secretes a hormone called endorphin, which makes you feel better and reduces stress.

Why not make those 2 minutes of lifting a fun time? It could be a group activity, with a couple or friends, or even the kids. Together, you will not only have a good time, but you will be more motivated, you could meet new people and enlarge your circle of friends. Know one thing, social relationships also have an impact on your health, so it is important to maintain good quality relationships and what better way than to do sports and challenge yourself with friends!

The sheathing evacuates the stress

How to do a correct sheathing: the different possible positions!

cladding marie messager

The basis is always to align the head, the feet and the buttocks. Otherwise, there are several positions that you can try at home to change a little and break the boredom.

Make the right resolution. Keep in mind that it is for your own good and that you have nothing to lose. At first it may seem difficult or even painful but it's a blessing in disguise so don't get discouraged. It only takes 3 weeks to change your habits, so be positive and hang in there...

Marie Messager
Osteopath D.O in Versailles Chantiers
78 - Yvelines

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